Maria V. Snyder
- Poison Study
- Magic Study
- Fire Study
- Strom Glass
- Sea Glass
- Inside Out
Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
Keep Your Head Down.
Don't Get Noticed.
Or Else.
I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? The only neck at risk is my own…until I accidentally start a rebellion and become the go-to girl to lead a revolution.

How was writing Inside Out different from writing The Study Series? How was it similar?
With Inside Out, I had to keep close track of the setting details. Since the world is completely contained, I had to know where everything was and stay consistent throughout the story. I drew up maps and diagrams in the early stages of writing. With the Study books, my map developed along with my story. I knew Ixia was broken into eight Military Districts, but the locations and details weren't decided until they had to be for the story. That's why the map of Ixia and Sitia wasn't put in the Study books, but it's in the Glass books and the YA editions of Poison Study and Magic Study. The maps of Inside weren't included with the book, but all the maps for both series are posted on my website at: http://www.mariavsnyder.com/maps.php
As for the similarities, I wrote the books in first person point of view and I kept my style--action packed, complex plot, cliff-hanging chapter ends, some twists, and a little romance :) I didn't try and change my word choice because this was a young adult book and I didn't simplify the plot either. Young adults are savvy readers and have been enthusiastic about my books before they were given new covers and put in the YA section of the bookstore.
Have you noticed your writers' voice change from your first novels?
I haven't noticed a change in my voice, but I do think the quality of my writing has improved. The old cliché about practice makes perfect is true. After writing 7 novels, I have a better sense of what's needed as far as setting details and background information.
Now my readers may disagree with the change in voice, and I do get emails from them telling me one book is better than another or how I have improved (or haven't) with each one.
Describe your writing in three words.
Character-driven, Fast-paced, Entertaining. (Are the hyphens cheating? Well, what do you expect? I'm a writer - three words is hard! :)
What's the most interesting comment you've received about your books?
I have so many that I just love, but this one has to be my favorite. A little background. Brain's girlfriend had been pestering him to read my first book, Poison Study for two years and he finally read the book in self-defense. This is what he emailed me: "I never thought that a book with a chick main character could interest me, but man was I wrong! This book was bad ass and I can't believe that I didn't even mind the romance!"
And I can't resist adding another. I was at the World Fantasy Convention in Madison, Wisconsin. These cons have dealer's rooms where sellers set up tables. One seller, Larry Smith sells new books and he's rather famous among the convention goers. I've heard through the grape-vine that Larry had been recommending my book to his customers, so I took a big bag of chocolate over to him to thank him. He's a nice guy, but can be a little gruff at times and if you don't know him. When he found out who I was he said, "I didn't want to read your book. I didn't want to like your book. But when I reached page 175, I just had to finish your book."
If you could travel back in time for one year, when and where would you go... and what three things would you take with you?
I'm not a big history buff. The thought of living back in a time where women didn't have any rights or power, is unappealing to me. I'd rather go forward if possible :) But if I was forced...I'd go to Italy during the Renaissance. I'd take antibiotics, ibuprofen, and shampoo.
What are you working on now, can you tell us anything about it?
I'm working on Outside In, the next book in the Inside series. It starts about nine weeks after the end of Inside Out. I really can't tell you too much or else it will spoil the plot of Inside Out. I'll just say, Trella finds herself in more trouble.
Thanks so much for inviting me back to your blog! If your readers would like any more info or would like to read the first chapter of all my books, they're welcome to go to my website at: http://www.MariaVSnyder.com I also have free short stories on my site. Two of them feature characters from my Study books (Valek in one and Ari and Janco in the other).
Check out the book trailer for Inside Out:
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- read the first three chapters of Inside Out
- take the Inside Out personality quiz
- plus other fun activities
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