(Author Interview Edition II)
When you do interviews do you do them via the phone or email them questions? Is there anything you would advise not asking about?
Dear Anon,
I usually email questions. It's not as "personal" that way, you can't feed off of the questions and ask ones that might correspond well, but I think it's easier for authors to have the questions and answer them at their leisure. I could be wrong though...
I would advise not asking anything too personal. I think common courtesy would come into play.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
When you have to do an interview with an author, where does the information for your questions come from? Do you mostly like to choose from the books context, the author's background or more random living experiences?
Dear CR,
I check out the author's website... if they have one. Usually to see if they have a "bio" page and possibly a "faq" page. I try not to ask questions that they have listed on their "faq" pages. That gets to be a little repetitive.
I do try to stay away from book context, just because I don't want a reader who hasn't read the book to feel alienated, or unintentionally reveal any spoilers. Plus, there are often times when I haven't had a chance to read the book yet.
For me, I'm always more interested in learning more about the person behind the book. I have a few "signature" questions that I always like to ask...
- Describe your writing in three words.
- If you could travel back in time for one year, where would you go and what three things would you take with you?
Story Siren
How should I contact authors for interviews? I'm not sure what I should put in an email when I ask. I'd love advice on getting authors for interviews!
I've been wanting to start asking authors for interviews but I'm not quite sure how. If I send an email I don't know what I should include--should it be a few sentences requesting an interview plus blog info? Any help regarding what to include in an interview request is much appreciated!
Dear Anonymous & Anon,
I'm going to answer these two questions together, since they are basically asking the same thing.
My recommendation is to email the author. However, do note that authors often have 1000's of emails sitting in their inboxes, and no I'm not kidding. So, if they don't get back to your right away, don't take it personally. It's probably a good idea to put something about an interview in the subject line of the email.
Tell them why you want to do an interview with them. Do you like their books? Do you have a blog? What your blogs name and url? Do you have a date you'd like the interview by? Those are all important things to include.
And some authors will say no. I've been told no. Sometimes authors just don't have the time, but it never hurts to ask.
Story Siren
My question is simple: How do you go about author interviews? Do you get in touch with the author or do they contact you?
I've always found author interviews to be a very interesting and enjoyable aspect to blogging and would love to have authors more involved in mine. Thanks!
- N.
Dear N.
I used to contact authors for interviews directly but that has shifted recently to third parties/publishers contacting me to be a part of blog tours. I still do occasionally email authors though. Of the sixteen some interviews I've had this year so far, I've contacted four of those authors personally.
But don't be afraid to contact an author yourself, if you enjoy their books!
Story Siren
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