Have you ever heard of the expression “When it rains it pours”
That’s been my experience with “blogging issues.” This particular issue has been the topic of discussion before and everyone has their own stance on it. Here is mine.
Recently I’ve acquired numerous emails and even a few comments all inquiring about the same issue, all of them in one way or another asking the same question:
Do you ever post a negative review?
The simple answer is, yes.
I’m not sure why it has been such an issue lately. I suppose if you are a new follower it might seem that way. The majority of my recent reviews have been positive ones, but there is a reason for that.
This may come as a surprise to some of you, but I read books that I like.
I know... the insanity of it all, to think that I read for enjoyment! When I go to pick up a book it’s because I want to! And that doesn’t mean I never take a chance with something I’m not interested in. (For example: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.) And it’s not to say that I enjoy every book that I think I’ll be interested in.
I have a massive to-be-reviewed pile. I’m not admitting that to be boastful, I’m very embarrassed of the fact. But because of that I don’t waste my time on books that I can’t get into. I frequently evoke the 100 page rule. If a book doesn’t grab my attention in the first 100 pages, it gets set aside. Those books, that aren’t finished, don’t receive a review. I have enough posts scheduled with the books I do finish, I don’t feel the need to post a review for one that I did not.
I don’t read to analyze. I don’t read to dissect. I don’t read with an excessively critical eye. Believe it or not, this blog isn’t my job. I’m not going to take something that I have fun doing and turn it into work. If those are the types of reviews you are looking for, then my blog probably isn’t the place for you. There are quite a few blogs who review in a more critical manner, if that’s what you want, I encourage you to seek out those blogs.
That being said I have noticed my reading tastes evolving. It seems the more books I read, the more I recognize the type of book I enjoy. I wouldn’t give the same rating to a numerous number of tiles I’ve read in that past. But I’m not going to go back and change them. I’m sure if you are a reader you’ve noticed your opinion of books changing from time to time. That doesn’t mean that you were wrong the first time around.
In one of the emails I received it was mentioned that I might be doing my readers a disservice by lauding some less than favorable work. As much as the composer of that email insisted that it wasn’t a criticism, how could I not take it to be. To say that I simply hand out a good rating, I couldn’t help but feel offended. I may not be as critical as some other book bloggers, but I don’t sugar coat things either. If I don’t like something, I will be the first to admit it. (And I don't mean to imply this person wasn't at the liberty to express their feelings.)
So here’s the gist of it all. Do I post negative reviews? Yes, I do. Are you going to see many? No, probably not. What will you see? Honest and personal reviews, no matter their positive or negative stance.
The Bloggers Credo: It’s your blog. Post what you want.
You can read a much more eloquent post on this matter at WastePaper Prose.