I have a message from author Jennifer Hubbard. Last year she started the Library-Loving blog challenge to help raise money for local libraries! Here is a little bit of information about the project in case you would like to join in the cause!
A group of bloggers, most of them writers, will be using their blogs, Facebook accounts, or other social media to raise money for local libraries, bookmobiles, and literacy causes. They are looking for bloggers or Facebookers to join in. If interested, please email jennifer[at]jenniferhubbard[dot]com by March 21.
Last year, this effort raised over $1600. This year's challenge will run from March 23-27. Here's how it works:
Participants put up a blog post during that week (Facebook or other media can be used for people who don’t blog.) Participants agree to donate a certain amount of money for every comment they receive on that post by a certain date. (Example: “Donating 25 cents per comment to my local library, for every comment received by noon on March 27, up to a maximum of $100.”) The money goes to the local library, bookmobile, or other literacy-based charity of his/her choice. Donation caps are allowed, and participants will receive a suggested template for the blog post.
Libraries have suffered in this economy like everyone else--budget cuts are affecting all levels of government. But at the same time, library usage is increasing, not only because the books, tapes, DVDs, CDs, etc., are free to borrow, but because libraries provide so many other services--assisting people with job searches, for example.
For more information, see also http://writerjenn.livejournal.com/158131.html or email jennifer[at]jenniferhubbard[dot]com.