It feels like I just did one of these... but alas there is no shortage of awesome books!
Basically "Books to Pine For" are books not yet released, that I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on! Okay... so my hands aren't really grubby... I mean I wash them like at least 30 times a day... no really I do, I work in the healthcare field... so lots of hand washing... but I just thought grubby little hands sounded good.
If this is your first visit to le blog, I do "Books to Pine For" sporadically, it's a regular feature but it doesn't have a set date I post every month or what not.
You can check out all the books to pine for posts, they start chronologically from the most recent. In case you want to check out some earlier ones I've done. Okay I've rambled enough on to the goods!
Just a note.. all the links in the titles go to their Goodreads page... easier to add to your wishlist!

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
I don't even care what this one is about. Look at that cover! Gah! Coming September 2010 from St. Martin's Press.
Glimpse by Carol Lynch Williams
Been wanting to read more Williams since I finished The Chosen One. Coming June 2010 from Simon & Schuster

Life, After by Sarah Darer Littman
Been wanting to read more Littman since Purge. This explores life after 9/11. Coming July 2010 from Scholastic.
Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford
The Sullivan Sisters find out that their dear rich granny has booted them out of the will and they will be penniless as a result. Somebody better fess up! Doesn't that sound fun? I think so! Coming September 2010 from Scholastic.

Friends is Not a Verb by Daniel Ehrenhaft
Best friend turning into something more.. possibly? Told from the POV of a guy and it's supposed to be funny..? Yes, please! Coming May 2010 from Harper Teen
Somebody Everybody Listens To by Suzanne Supplee
I heard great things about Artichoke Heart although I haven't had the chance to read it yet. Perhaps this will be my first Supplee novel. Coming May 2010 from Dutton.

The Half-Life of Planets by Emily Franklin and Brenda Halpin
"Two veteran YA authors tell, in alternating chapters, the story of two kids who discover that the best parts of people can’t be summed up easily." Sounds fantabulous! Coming June 2010 from Hyperion.
It Started with a Dare by by Lindsay Faith Rech
New school, new you? Sounds like fun and games to me! Coming September 2010 from Graphia.

Mostly Good Girls by Leila Sales
"A fresh, funny debut novel with prep school appeal!" Another debut to add to my growing list! Coming October 2010 from Simon Pulse.
Good is in the Pancakes by Robin Epstein
"...with all the snappy dialogue and attitude of the movie Juno." That's enough to get me to read it! Plus it's yet another debut! Coming May 2010 from Dial.

Sun-Kissed Christmas by Katherine Alice Applegate
This is a novel is a collection of two of Applegate's novels: Beach Blondes and Tan Lines. Beach reads unite! Coming October 2010 from Simon Pulse.
Not that Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian
"Slut or saint? Winner or loser?" Have to admit that kinda got my attention! Coming September 2010 from Push.

The Julian Game by Adele Griffin
A diabolical It girl. That sounds like fun! Plus there is just something about that blue hair and green gloves that I am really digging... I wonder if I could pull of the blue hair... Coming September 2010 from Putnam.
Empty by Suzanne Weyn
I think this one is a dystopian novel... I don't even like those, right? Coming October 2010 from Scholastic.