Basically "Books to Pine For" are books not yet released, that I can't wait to get my hands on!
If this is your first visit to the blog, I do "Books to Pine For" sporadically, it's a regular feature but it doesn't have a set date I post every month or what not.
You can check out all the books to pine for posts, they start chronologically from the most recent. In case you want to check out some earlier ones I've done. Okay I've rambled enough on to the goods!
Just a note.. all the links in the titles go to their Goodreads page... easier to add to your wishlist!

Magix: Notes from a Serious Teen Witch by Douglas Rees
It's about a witch... need I say more! Coming July 2010 by Harlequin Teen.
My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent
The third book in the series. So very much looking forward to what happens next! Team Todd! "WHEN KAYLEE CAVANAUGH SCREAMS, SOMEONE DIES AND KAYLEE IS ABOUT TO SCREAM HER HEAD OFF..." Coming June 2010 Harlequin Teen.

Queen of Secrets by Jenny Meyerhoff
A kid gets labeled a "freak" for praying before his football game. I don't know why, but I'm interested to see how that plays out. Coming June 22nd 2010 from Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Love Drugged by James Klise
I have no idea what this one is about but the cover totally has my attention. Coming September 2010 from FLux

The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike
I've never read Pike before, but this one sounds like something I could dig. Aladdin anyone!? The cover kind of reminds me of that. It's about a magic carpet... I want one. Coming September 2010 from Harcourt.
Hexbound by Chloe Neill
Oh pretty! And it is a good contrast to book one. Can't wait to read the next installment! Coming January 2011!

Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Pretty sure this is the sequel to Leaving Paradise... which I own but haven't read. Coming September 2010 from Flux.
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
This one sounds different. A vampire queen sacrificing her immortal life to become human... nice. Coming August 2010 from St. Martin's Griffin

You are Not Here by Samantha Schultz
For some reason I can't find this one on GoodReads... perhaps I should add it. I don't know much about it either, but for some reason the cover reminds of Before I Fall. Anyone care to enlighten me on this title...?
Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
"The story of a girl who takes a road trip to find herself--and the guy who goes with her." Sounds good to me! Coming May 2010 from Simon & Schuster.

Tutored by Allison Whittenberg
I just have to read this one. "This edgy story about a star-crossed couple features strong African American characters and sparkles with smart, quirky dialogue and fresh observations on social pressures and black-on-black prejudice." I hope to use this as one of my PoC challenge books. Coming December 2010 from Delacorte.
When the Stars Go Blue by Caridad Ferrer
How beautiful is this cover! It's stunning! I love it. Haven't heard much about this one, but the cover has me hooked. I own a few books by Caridad, but have not read them yet, this may have to be my first. Coming November 2010 from St. Martin's Griffin.

Freak Magnet by Andrew Auseon
Love the title! This is a he said/she said book, and I always enjoy reading the pov of the opposite sex. Coming June 2010 from HarperTeen.
Rush by Jonathon Friesen
Can't find a Goodreads page for this one either. Anyhow.. sounds great, it's about an adrenaline junkie and his best friend.. the secret love of his life.. and something about becoming a firefighter... lol! Sounds good though. Coming June 2010 from Speak.