The Story is About   +  TIME

Dear Story Siren (8)

The Personal Edition

Dear Story Siren,

I would love to know your 5 top favorite books of all time till the time you read your first book till now. Like if you got stranded on a deserted island what would be the books you couldn't live without? I know it's hard, but I think series can be counted as one. At least that's what I have to I really would love to see which books are your faves!



Dear SLR,

That is a really hard question. Usually I'd say something like "The Dummies Guide to Getting of a Deserted Island" or "Edible Plants and Berries" but I'm thinking that wasn't exactly what you had in mind.

So... fav books... of all time...

Books that really stand out from my childhood are: Island of Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell and The Fledgling by Jane Langton.

Books now, I'd have to go with The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.

I guess that is five. Although... I could go on and on, too many excellent books out there.

Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

My partner thinks that blogging is taking up too much of my time. He finds it odd when I get books for review in the mail and doesn't like the amount of time I spend working on my blog. As a married woman how does your partner feel about your blogging? Is there really anything to be concerned about?


Dear Anon,

My husband thinks I am crazy. But it's not uncommon for people to be passionate about something, right? He might think I am crazy but he is way more supportive than what I give him credit for. My husband is my best friend, but we have things that we enjoy doing separately, blogging is one of the things I do, working on his car is something he does. Honestly, if he asked me to stop tomorrow I would, but he knows how much I enjoy doing it so I doubt he ever will.

Smitten as a Kitten,
Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

Boxers or briefs on a man?


Dear Anon,

I actually prefer the boxer-brief.

Story Siren

Dear Story Siren

What type of reaction do you get from people about reading YA books, do you ever get negative reactions and do you feel it has gotten more acceptable for adults to read teen books since the success of Twilight?

Caroline X

Dear Caroline X,

I do get a lot of raised eyebrows, but I've never really gotten a "negative" reaction. I'm actually pretty private about my blog with people that know me in real life. Initially no one knew I was doing it. Not that I was embarrassed about what I was doing, but I just wasn't ready to share that part of me. I get a lot of... "well are you a librarian" "oh do you work with teens" questions, but that had cut down a lot recently.

I do think that it has gotten more acceptable for adults to read young adult literature because of Twilight. As much as Twilight is a curse sometime, it's also a blessing. This being one of those instances. Life to short to avoid the things you like!

Still young at heart,
Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

Did you know that you look like Gwyneth Paltrow?


Dear Anon,

I've been told that. My grandma thinks so... as did my high school Spanish teacher. I've also been told I look like Alyson Hannigan, you know if I had the red hair. (No Cat, I will still not dye my hair red.) Of course I think ya'll are crazy, but I'll take the compliment. That was a compliment right?

Blondes have more fun,
Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

In your letter post you said you live in a 97% white area. Don't you want to live in a place that is more diverse?


Dear Anon,

I would love to live in a more diverse area. However, there are other things that factor into why I live in the place I do.

Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

How many hours a week do you spend reading


Dear Swimmer,

Well... it just depends on what I have to do that week! I try to read at least an hour or two a night during the work week but it doesn't always work out that way. I do a lot of reading on the weekend though. At least three to four hours on the weekend.

Always reading,
Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

How did you get started book blogging?


Dear Anon,

I blogged before, but it was a personal blog. I often did reviews there because it helped me keep track of what I was reading and what I thought of it. These were the dino days before my love: GoodReads! My life is just not all that interesting, so my blog was overflowing with book reviews. I was searching for a book and I stumbled upon The Page Flipper and tada... a blog was born!

Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

How long do you take to finish the whole book?


Dear MizzYasmin,

It just depends! Sometimes it can take me a day other times weeks. I can read around 75-85 pages in an hour usually.

Story Siren

Dear Story Siren:

When do you usually read? At night, afternoon, morning...
What's your last 5/5 read??


Dear KhrisTinna,

I read at all times of the day!

My last 5/5 read was Radiant Shadows by Melissa Marr, I just finished it earlier this week. My favorite of the series so far.

Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

I know, I know, These are the typical FAQ sorta things but I was just wondering...
1. About how many books do you read per month?
2. What is your favorite series and (or) book
3. How many days a week do you read?

Sorry i know they are rather simple questions, but I would highly appreciate it if you could reply


-Book Lover x

Dear Book Lover x,

1. I at least try to read 16 books a month. Doesn't always happen but it is usually around that number. Sometimes it's over, sometimes it's under.

2. You can see the answer to that question above, it's the first question I did!

3. I read everyday.

Story Siren

My Favorite Wedding Picture!!
Dear Story Siren,

I see that you are married, but you don't see much about your significant other. What does he look like?


Dear Anon,

I get asked this a lot... which I think is sort of funny. I am married. I'll be hitting the four year mark this June. I don't mention my hubbies name, but he is known as "J" He is super sexy! Well I think so anyway... I'll post a picture, so that you all can see, and the mystery will be revealed. (I think if you click on the image it will get bigger... but not sure if you'd want to do that, lol!)

I'm married to a hottie,
Story Siren

Dear Story Siren,

I'm an twentysomething adult who has recently started reading YA fictions. As far as I know, YA tends to fall under the age group of 12-18 years old, leaving me feel old and silly when I should be reading something that is more 'suitable' to my age. How can I convince myself that it is not silly to be enjoying a book regardless of its age group?

- L.

Dear L.

I sort of answered this question above, so be sure to check that out! and just remember you are NOT ALONE!!!!

Okay James... here is a frontal photo just for you... enjoy!

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