Join Runaway author Meg Cabot and Thea and Ana of The Book Smugglers for a Twitter party Thursday, April 22, between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. EST!
- Be sure to follow Meg @MegCabot , Point at @ThisIsPoint, and Thea and Ana @BookSmugglers before the party!
- Join the fun! No one expects you or your tweets to be perfect; we’re just happy you made it to the party!
- Anyone who tweets during the party using #MegCabot is entered to win a limited edition Runaway t-shirt – featuring the winning design voted for by fans!
- Watch for questions from @BookSmugglers and win awesome prizes including an iPad, $50 Sephora gift cards or $25 VISA gift cards!
- To join the party, you can use our official party tweetgrid or just search #MegCabot on Twitter.
- Ask Meg questions or chat with other partygoers—just use the tag #MegCabot in all of your party tweets! (This is added automatically in TweetGrid.)
- Please don’t post any spoilers and don’t forget to pay attention to the time zones, the party starts at 8:30pm EST.