So what makes a cover, a good cover?
So, I'm kicking off my first 'official list' with book covers. Confession... I am a cover whore. I love love love book covers. I've been known to judge a book solely by it's cover. But I think there is something to say for a book that has a 'good' cover. I think a good cover is one that is not only visually appealing and catches your eye, but one that has an excellent representation of the pages within the story. Here are 10 covers that I think have those characteristics. (in no particular order)

1. North of Beautiful
by Justina Chen Headley
Eye catching cover... check. But this cover also represents the pages within the cover exceptionally well. The main character Terra, struggles with the definition of beauty. She has a port-wine birthmark that covers her cheek. Although the cover doesn't show a girl with a birthmark on her face, having her face covered with her hair fits Terra as a character. If you look closely at the cover there is a compass, which also has a very significant role in the story. Two great elements that make this cover awesome and really give the reader a glimpse of what is in store from the novel! (Plus this books is really good, if you haven't read it yet, you should!)

2. Willow
by Julia Hoban
Promise, I'm going to have covers without faces of girls on them! Willow is another cover that I think really represents the story. The front cover is really eye-catching, with the individual strips making up the image, but my favorite part of the cover is the back. The back cover has two arms extending with their hands clasped together... and if you look at the cover quickly that is all you see. But if you really look at the cover you can see something written on the back as well. The cover is sort of a matte finish but there is a line that says "It's hard to keep a secret when it's written all over your body." in a really high gloss and when it hits the light just the right way you can see it. It's a great representation of Willow's scars. If you look really quickly you might not see them, but take a second look... well you get the idea. (I noticed that this is only true for the hardcover, the paperback has the same elements, but it's a lot smaller because there is more writing on the back of the pb edition.)

3. Life as We Knew It
by Susan Beth Pfeffer
I love the cover of this book! The colors and the overall erie feel. It matches the mood of this novel perfectly. Life as We Knew It is a sort of dystopian... end of the world we know type of novel, where the moon basically reeks havoc on the earth. I don't want to spoil the story if you haven't read the book, so I won't say more about that. But the moon plays a hugely significant role in the book and I love that it is so prominently displayed on the cover. You can't escape that moon, POW... it's right there in your face! The other books in the series also have wonderful covers.

4. Eyes Like Stars: Theatre Illuminata, Act 1
by Lisa Mantchev
This cover makes me think... whimsical, dramatic and magical. And that's exactly what this story has in store for the reader! I also love how well it represents the main character on the cover. Bertie, her blue hair and her three constant fairy companions. And the cover alone would be enough to make me pick this one up. And it seems as though all of the books in this series are going to have gorgeous covers because book two looks just as enticing!

5. Hush, Hush
by Becca Fitzpatrick
This cover is HOT. Even if you didn't like the book, (which for the record... I did) you have to admit that this cover is sizzlin'! The cover image alone made me want to read this book, even before I really knew what it was really about. Not that I didn't guess it was about some sort of fallen angel... I mean look at the thing! I love that it's in black and white, with the slight accent of red. Normally I'm burnt-out on the black/white/red cover, but this one just works, and it works very well. Not to mention it looks just as dark and brooding as the actual character Patch is in the novel. Cover win!

6. Give Up the Ghost
by Megan Crewe
At first glance this cover seems to be a girl getting some books out of her locker, but she's not alone! There is a ghost whispering in her ear! I LOVE IT! Would absolutely pick this one up from the cover alone. I also again, really love the colors of this one. And the font looks sort of ghastly or maybe erie is a better word, either way it is cool! Basically the story is about a girl that is able to communicate with ghosts. Do you get that from the cover? I do! The tone of the cover is a little lighter than the tone of the novel, but I still think it works well.

7. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak is one of my all time favorite novels and I didn't really appreciate the cover until I'd finished the novel. Honestly it probably wasn't something that I would have picked up based on the cover alone, at the time. It would however be something that I would pick up now, because of the cover. There are several variations of Speak. I really like this version of it, but my favorite is probably the one that has the leaves accented in red, it just makes the cover really pop. I love love love how this cover represents the novel. The mouth is missing, which is a HUGE part of the novel, and the tree. The tree has it's own significance in the novel too. Two huge aspects of the novel that truly 'make' this cover. Awesome story with an even more awesome cover.

8. Twenty Boy Summer
by Sarah Ockler
Not only is Twenty Boy Summer an awesome book, it also has an awesome cover. I love it! The weathered wooden planks... the colored sea glass... if that doesn't say summer, what does!? Although I have to admit, it sort of bothered my anal tendencies when I noticed that piece of red glass mixed in there with all those wonderful blues. It just did not fit! But after I read the novel and was enlightened on the significance of the sea glass, and the red sea glass in particular, it is one of my favorite aspects of the cover. I just want a poster of it, so I can hang it on my wall... so pretty.

9. The Adoration of Jenna Fox
by Mary E. Pearson
Such a great book. One of my all time favorites. Initially the cover and the summary didn't really match up for me. I really liked the cover, I thought it was beautifully, but I didn't understand what it had to do with the story and what it had to do with Jenna. Not to give to much away, but Jenna looses her memory and she is trying to piece together what has happened... so good. If you read the story you'll understand the significance of the butterfly, but I don't want to reveal too much here. If you haven't read this book, you should! The paperback cover is different from the hardcover edition, they are both good covers, but I prefer this one. It would be interesting to know which one has better sales...

10. Forget You
by Jennifer Echols
I just love love love this book, and the cover is so hot, I can't not mention it! It doesn't hit the shelves until July, but make sure you get a copy! This is unlike any YA book I've read. I love how this cover portrays Doug and Zoey... although I think I pictured Doug to be a little more rough around the edges... lol. Something about the embrace and the look on Zoey's face capture the feel of the novel completely... plus the little peek of sand in there. Just love it. This cover just makes me want to pick it up and read it. And I don't want to insinuate that this book is just a love story, because there is a lot more too it than that. But either way, it's a mind-blowing book with an amazing cover!
And that concludes this weeks top 10!