Publisher/Author Q's & ARC Questions
Hello Story Siren,
I love your reviews, but was wondering whether you would consider reviewing something not published yet? like an online story or something
Dear Anon,
Probably not. I have too many books to review that are published to start reviewing ones that aren't. Plus there is an issue of legality that could come into play, not really something I want to deal with.
So many books, so little time,
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
Do you ever contact authors and ask them for swag donations for giveaways? If so how do YOU go about asking them, and not sounding horrible?
Just curious
Dear Story Siren,
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if it's okay to ask authors (maybe even publicists) for swag for use of a giveaway. I've seen several bloggers tweet an author asking for swag, but I've always thought it would be rude to do so.
Dear Just curious & Anon,
I've only ever asked authors for swag materials for giveaways, so I'm not sure what kind of access publishers have to that sort of thing. I asked for swag donations for my Debut Author Challenge. I just made sure I let the authors know; who I am, my blog name, where they can view my blog if they choose, and what I'm planning on doing with the swag. Is it 'okay' to ask?... I'd assume so, usually authors make those sorts of materials for promotion & publicity. The worse that could happen is that they respond with a no or they don't respond at all... I don't think they would be offended if you asked.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I was recently contacted through Facebook by an author who wanted to know if I was willing to review their book. I accepted, but after that I was wondering if it was really considered an 'okay' way to contact a blogger for a review. Is it wrong to do that?
Similarly I was wondering if it would be wrong and unprofessional to ask an author on Twitter or Facebook for an interview or a review. Part of me thinks it is, but another part thinks that if an author felt it was alright to contact me on Facebook for a review, that authors don't mind getting these kinds of requests the same way.
What do you think?
A Fairly New Blogger
Dear A Fairly New Blogger,
I think it's more professional to email an author for an interview or review, especially if you have a specific author in mind. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing a 'call-out' general request like on Facebook or Twitter asking for authors to do interviews... (but be careful doing that because it is not a very professional approach) If an author emails me through Facebook, I don't have a problem with that, but I'm not very apt to reply to a wall comment requesting a review or a tweet for that matter.
I just look at it this way. If your not willing to take a moment of your own time to write a simple email, why should you expect anyone to give you a moment of their precious time. That might be a little extreme, but I think it's always your best bet to be as courteous and respectful as possible.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I recently started to receive books and ARC's from publishers for review. While I am so excited about it, I am starting to receive some surprise ones that I am not interesting in reading. I am afraid If I don't review them, the pubishers will stop sending me ones I want. What should I do we these unwanted review copies?
Story Girl
Dear Story Girl,
Don't be afraid to not read them. Publishers do not expect you to read every book that they send your way. Just because you don't want to read them, doesn't mean that someone else won't! Have a contest, pass them on to a fellow blogger, donate them to an ARC tour... there is always something to do with them! That being said, don't be afraid to try something that you normally wouldn't, some of my favorite books are ones that I wasn't initially interested in!
Don't judge a book...
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
Have you ever asked for a Arc and was denied?
Dear Anon,
I wouldn't say that I've been denied, but there have been times when there aren't any copies available of a title I've wanted.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I heard that requesting smaller title ARCs from publishers would increase the chance of them sending the ARC. How can you tell which upcoming releases are bigger, and which are smaller?
Dear Anon,
If it's an author you've heard of, (like if they are on the NYT Best Seller List) most likely that is one of the publishers 'big' titles. If it's the authors first novel, it's fairly safe to say that it would be one of their 'smaller' titles (although sometimes it can be an author's first novel in the US, but they could have multiple titles published in another country, sometimes those titles can be considered 'big' titles)...
Story Siren
Hello Kristi,
I have a question regarding requesting a book from a publisher. I have been blogging for about 10 months now, and I have never requested an ARC (all the books I review are either from contests, I bought, or the library). But there is a book in a series that I would really like to review, and I would like to request it from the publisher. But when I go on the publisher's site, there are about 10 different emails, and I don't know which to use? Are there any specific emails for HarperTeen, Simon and Schuster, Penguin, when requesting ARC's?
Thank you!
Dear Anon,
There are usually publicity contacts available on each website. Recently at The Olive Reader (The Weblog of Harper Perinnial) they posted contact information for their imprints, including Harper Teen. Simon & Schuster had a publicity page as does Penguin. That is at least somewhere to start and hopefully someone at publicity can forward your email in the right direction.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I started my blog a little over 3 months ago, only have around 85 followers. I've had review offers, and even an ARC offer. I've requested a few books. Sometimes I regret doing this because my blog is so small and fairly new. Now that I have a offer for a review copy of a book, does that make it more okay to request review copies? And will publishers remember if you've asked for books before, especially when your a newer blogger and you really don't need them?
Dear Anon,
Honestly, I don't think that anyone knows what a good stat is, or what a good amount of followers are. There are so many ways to interpret them and so many factors that come into play... I think it all boils down to what you are comfortable with and how serious you are.
If you are getting review requests I wouldn't be apprehensive about asking for a copy if it's something that you really want to read. Go ahead and ask! If you've gotten copies before I doubt that they are going to say no if you ask now. And if they do, so what... you'll just be right back where you started. You never know if you don't try.
Some publishers will remember you if you've worked with them before, but it's always good to include a little bit about your blog, just in case they don't, and be sure to include your mailing address as well. Short and simple and to the point!
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I recently discovered two books that are to be published later in the year. I want to ask for a copy to review and later interview the author, if possible. I'm not sure if I should ask the author or her representative. The author shows both email addresses on her page. Which would you email?
Thanks bunches!
Dear LPJ,
If the author has the publicist's contact on their page I would most likely contact them. Most authors don't get that many review copies to give out and the pub. might be looking for bloggers to interview the author.
Story Siren
Dear Story Siren,
I've read your previous posts about asking for ARCs, but I'm still not sure about the way this works. Should I just email a publisher I like and ask them for any ARCs they may have on hand, or stick to a by the book basis?
Also, is there any criteria that a publisher looks for in your blog before they'll send you an ARC? I'm just very confused about this whole business...
Dear C,
I have an excellent post on ARCs that might help you out: ARCs What You Need to Know!
If that doesn't help just let me know!
Story Siren
Check out other general questions from real readers on other "Dear Story Siren" posts:
Dear Story Siren (1) (Contacting Author for interviews)
Dear Story Siren (2) (Asking for ARCs International/US)
Dear Story Siren (3) (Hours spend blogging, personal and Navigation bar questions)
Dear Story Siren (4) (Advance Reader Copies/Reviews questions)
Dear Story Siren (5) (Blogging 101 Volume 1)
Dear Story Siren (6) (Author Interviews Edition II)
Dear Story Siren (7) (Publisher Interaction/Asking for ARCs
Dear Story Siren (8) (The Personal Edition)
Dear Story Siren (9) (Followers Edition)
Dear Story Siren (10) (Contest/Vlogs/Blogger Tricks)
Dear Story Siren (11) (Review Edition II)
Dear Story Siren (12) (Blog-ish Questions)
Dear Story Siren (13) (Blog-ish Questions)
Dear Story Siren (14) Blog-ish Questions)
If you have a question... blog related, personal, book related... submit it below to be featured on a future post of "Dear Story Siren" If you've already submitted a question and it hasn't been answered, don't fret! I will try to answer every question, so I may not have gotten to it or it may have already been asked before. That being said you can always check a previous post to see if your question has been answered already. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE COMMENTS IN THE BOX BELOW. The form below is to submit a question for the "Dear Story Siren" posts, not to leave a comment. Feel free to leave a comment in the "comments section"
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