So, let's talk Kick Ass Heroines (from YA lit.)... when I started this list, I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to come up with ten... oh silly silly me. Once I got started I couldn't stop! It was so hard to narrow it down! I think a Kick Ass Heroine needs to do a lot more than just kick ass... and I think these characters do just that...

DJ Schwenk (Diary Queen
by Catherine Gilbert Murdock)
Sadly... as I look at this list DJ is the only character from realistic fiction that made this list... well besides a few characters on the runners up list. DJ is one of the first characters that I found myself really admiring. there's nothing exceptional about her, besides her basketball skills. She's just a character that you can easily relate too, one that you root for, and one that you can respect. If you haven't read this series... YOU SHOULD!

Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy
Series by Richelle Mead)
Oh Rose... what can I say about her. I have a major girl crush on Rose. I LOVE HER! Not only is she a 'kick ass heroine' but she kicks A LOT of ass! She's sarcastic and funny... smart and loyal. This series is one of my favorites... if not my most favorite. And Rose just might be one of my favorite characters of all time.
Dear Richelle Mead,
Please do not kill off Rose.

Tally Youngblood (Uglies
Series by Scott Westerfeld)
Poor Tally she just wants to be pretty! Tally is a kick ass heroine because she questions the world that she lives in... she looks beyond the big picture. Tally is just an awesome character, and she's fun to read about and has a great character voice... I'd say more about Tally, but it could be a little spoilery... but I will say not only is she kick ass... but she can kick some ass too! lol.

Hermoine Granger (Harry Potter
Series by J.K. Rowling)
Hermione! I want Hermine to be my best friend. No really, I do. Don't you want Hermione to be your best friend too? Why is Hermione so kick ass... she's smart... and she's not afraid to show it! She's loyal... an awesome friend. I love Hermione because she's not afraid to be herself. Plus her parents are dentists... I mean how cool is that!? Not to mention she has a mean right hook!

Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games
Series by Suzanne Collins)
If I were to get stuck on a deserted island... I'd have to say that I'd want Katniss with me, this girl is bad ass. And how can you not like a girl that throws herself in with the lions to save her baby sister. I love Katniss because she's not perfect, she makes mistakes... a lot of them. But she makes up for it with her loyalty and fearlessness. Who cannot wait for Mockingjay! What will our Katniss face next!? I HAVE TO KNOW!

Knife (Faery Rebels
Series by R. J. Anderson)
I LOVE this book! And Knife is so worthy of the Kick Ass Heroine status. Knife is fierce! Knife is passionate... she doesn't sit back and watch her world suffer, she questions why things are the way they are. She doesn't always make the wisest decisions but she always has the best intentions at heart. She takes risks, she's fearless and she has more courage that I think she even knows. Such an awesome character and fun to read about too!

Yelena Zaltana (Study Series
by Maria V. Snyder)
Yelena... oh Yelena. This series is kick ass! And I love the new covers... so off topic there.. anyway... when I did my review of Poison Study, I had a few things to say about Yelena, which ultimately is why she is a Kick Ass Heroine...
"Yelena is one of those characters that you can’t help but instantly like. The moment she is given a choice to save her life she doesn’t look back, even though it seems like she’s only landed herself into another prison. She posses a strength that is unwavering! She is ruthless and very smart. She’s is everything a leading character should be."

Claire Danvers (Morganville Vampire
Series by Rachel Caine)
Little Miss Claire, boy has she grown up from the beginning of this series. Yet, with all that growing up, Claire is still the same girl she was that first miserable day on campus. Still the smart (incredibly smart! she's off to college early she's such a genius... but not an annoying know-it-all genius), stubborn, loyal, trying to save everyone but herself... girl. You can't help but love her and her mistakes. And she kicks a little butt along the way too, well she tries at least!

Ai Ling (Kingdom of Xia
Series by Cindy Pon)
I don't want to come off as crude... but Ai Ling has some balls... I know atomically.. that not possible, but you know what I mean. The girl has GUTS! There that is better. She questions her world. She doesn't conform to what is expected to her, and I so very much respect her for that. She's impulsive, courageous and compassionate. So worthy of of her top ten status! I can't wait to read more about her! Ai Ling, I <3 u!

Emer Morrisy/Saffron Adams (The Dust of 100 Dogs
by A.S. King)
Originally I had Emer/Saffron on the runners up list... but I just had to bump her up. I mean she was a girl pirate for pete's sake and not just a lowly old pirate on the deck crew... no she was the freaggin' captain of said pirate ship! And a feared one at that! I mean if that isn't kick ass... I just don't know what is.
Runners Up:
Chloe Saunders (Darkest Powers
Series by Kelley Armstrong)
Dru Anderson (Strange Angels
Series by Lily St. Crow)
Mary Quinn (The Agency
Series by Y. S. Lee)
Megan Berry (Megan Berry
Series by Stacey Jay)
Jessica Darling (Jessica Darling
Series by Megan McCafferty)
What Kick Ass Heroines are on your list?