My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman
Release Date: September 29, 2009
Publisher: Henry Holt
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 240
Source: Publisher
Interest: Theme
Challenge: None
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With Roz and Eva everything becomes a contest—who can snag the best role in the school play, have the cutest boyfriend, pull off the craziest prank. Still, they’re as close as sisters can be. Until Eva deletes Roz from her life like so much junk e-mail for no reason that Roz understands. Now Eva hangs out with the annoyingly petite cheerleaders, and Roz fantasizes about slipping bovine growth hormone into their Gatorade.
Roz has a suspicion about Eva. In turn, Eva taunts Roz with a dare, which leads to an act of total insanity. Drama geeks clamor for attention, Shakespearean insults fly, and Roz steals the show in Lauren Bjorkman’s hilarious debut novel.
My Invented Life is another one of those novels that has been sitting on my shelves waiting to be read... for far far to long. I'm glad I finally took the time to read it because it was fantastic!
Hands down the one thing that made this novel was Roz. She was witty, imperfect, hilarious... sarcastic. I loved her. I loved reading about her... I loved watching her and this story unfold. Roz loves her sister, and even though she wants to hate her, you know that she loves her... which is often how relationships with sisters can be. I loved watching these two sisters work out their problems.
I couldn't stop reading it, I didn't want to stop reading it either.
The characterization in this novel was great! Usually I get so focused on the main character that the supporting characters are an afterthought. Sure... they are there... but they don't really make a lasting impression. This cast of characters definitely made a dent. That being said, there were some characters that could have been explored a little more, but overall I was satisfied!
If your looking for a satisfying, hilarious read, with an in your face character and an interesting way at looking beyond the labels of gay, straight, bisexual... I think you'd enjoy this one.
I'm looking forward to more from Bjorkman!