Out This Week:

No and Me by Delphine de Vigan
Stalker Girl
by Rosemary Graham
A Girl Named Mister
by Nikki Grimes

by Veronica Chambers
You Wish
by Mandy Hubbard
Glee: The Beginning
by Sophia Lowell

The Iron Daughter
by Julie Kagawa
Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love
by various authors
Guardian of the Gate
by Michelle Zink

I Am Number Four
by Pittacus Lore
The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June
by Robin Benway
by Gilliam Shields

Rose Sees Red
by Cecil Castellucci
Infinite Days
by Rebecca Maizel
by Alexis Singer

My Little Phony
by Lisi Harrison
by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
The Life and Opinions of Amy Finawitz
by Laure Toffler-Corrie

by Hannah Westberg
The Freak Observer
by Blythe Woolston

by Chelsea Swiggett
New In Paperback:

Sisters of Misery
by Megan Kelly Hall
(Mass market pb release)
Breaking Dawn
by Stephenie Meyer
Lockdown: Escape from Furnace 1
by Alexander Gordon Smith

by Paula Morris
by Peal North
Melting Stones
by Tamora Pierce

The Hollow
by Jessica Verday
City of Glass
by Cassandra Clare
by Robin Wasserman

Nothing Like You
by Lauren Strasnick
Troy High
by Shana Norris