I don't know about you... but I think that the best boys are fictional ones. It seems that I can't help but crush on a fictional character almost every time I read a book. (I know I'm not alone in this!) And I have to admit that a package I received in the mail a few weeks ago, only reaffirms my belief that, the best boys are the fictional ones!
A few weeks ago I received a package in the mail. A very interesting package...

Look how pretty! And oh! oh!! it says "An Invitation"

Inside was a beautiful Calla Lily! A Calla Lily is the same flower that is on the cover for Nightshade!

beautiful calla lily

beautiful calla lilies on Nightshade cover!
Tied on to the Calla Lily with a purple ribbon was a key...

That key was a USB stick that slid into my computer... and up popped a video. In the video there was a boy who introduced himself as Shay... and he said my NAME! Yes, he said "Hi Kristi!"
Um, how cool is that!
Shay went on to tell be a little bit about himself and this creepy new mansion that he is living in. You can follow Shay on his Facebook page and explore the mansion and its mysteries on Shay's Web series, SHADOW DAYS.
Shays adventures in Shadow Days are going to become a written prequel to Nightshade! AND (yes, there's more!) YOU can become a character in the story!!!!
Here is the first episode in SHADOW DAYS, there are five episodes up that you can check out too!