Are you a 2011 Debut Author?
I need your help!
In 2011 I'll be hosting the annual Debut Author Challenge! The Debut Author Challenge, challenges participants to read at least twelve debuts novels released in 2011.
Last year I had almost 500 participants!!! Much more than I anticipated. That could possibly result in 6,000 debut novels being read! How awesome is that!?
And it's not just book bloggers that participate! There are non-bloggers, Goodreads members, classrooms, librarians... etc. And it's not just readers from the US! Readers in the UK, Australia, Brazil, Spain, Philippines and more participate!
How can you as an author help?
Well, as incentive for participants, I offer a monthly prize pack. In the past items from the prize packs have included, but are not limited to:
- bookmarks
- advance readers copies
- finished books
- buttons/pins
- sticky notes
- pens
- magnets
- t-shirts
- postcards
- hand-painted rocks
- temporary tattoos
- journals
- stickers
- etc.
That is perfectly fine! I'd still love to highlight your debut novel! I am currently making a list of 2011 debut novels, and have around 138 novels so far. If you'd like to be sure your novel is on this list, please fill out this form to submit your title email me and I will get it added!
If you are an author with an adult fiction or nonfiction novel, but are debuting your YA or MG novel, you do count toward the challenge! I also wanted to note, the challenge is not limited to US debuts only.
Thank you so much for your help! I'm hoping to make the challenge even better for 2011 and I couldn't do it without you!