DupliKate by Cherry Cheva
Release Date: September 29, 2009
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 256
Source: Bought
Interest: Author
Challenge: None
Buy the Book: Amazon
To Do List:
Ace SATs
Ace finals
Ace AP physics project
Avoid murdering lab partner
Submit Yale application
Resolve possibly evil twin situation
Due date: December 15th
Countdown: 11 days
By the time Kate Larson accidentally fell asleep at three a.m., she'd already done more work in one night than the average high school senior does in a week. Getting into Yale has been her dream for years—and being generally overworked and totally under-rested is the price of admission. But when she opens her eyes the next day, she comes face-to-face with, well, her face—which is attached to her body, which is standing across the room. Wait, what?
Meet Kate's computer-generated twin. Kate doesn't know why she's here or how to put her back where she belongs, but she's real. And she's the last thing Kate has time to deal with right now. Unless . . .
Could having a double be the answer to Kate's prayers? After all, two Kates can do more work than one. Or will keeping her twin a secret turn her dream future into a living nightmare?
DupliKate is a light, funny and entertaining read!
Kate reminds me a lot of myself... overloading ourselves with work and getting caught up in it! I have my own similar to do lists... Although mine don't have so much to do with schoolwork and college applications, but more along the lines of blogging and life! But I think any teen in high school will easily relate to Kate! Especially those working toward their college goals.
I was surprised by the plot. I wasn't where Cheva was going to go with it, and even though I thought it might be a little predictable, I can honestly say that I didn't see it coming! (I mean there I was just minding my own business reading along... and then OH SNAP! Totally taken by surprise!)
And I love Cheva's sense of humor it really shines though in her writing. (I imagine her as a very fun person, that I would want to be bff-s with.) And the writing was great, she's so very talented... smooth, simple to read.
If your looking for something cute, simple and fun, then I would absolutely recommend this book. It has a great message... about working hard... but enjoying life. I think it's hard to find the balance between those two, and DupliKate does a great job addressing that issue. (I wish I would have read this book as a high school senior stressing out about my college applications.)
(Wow... I sure did use a lot of parenthesis, in this review... sorry about that!) Go read DupliKate! It will make you smile! :)