Welcome to the second month of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge!
2010 was a fantastic year for the challenge and even though 2011 has just begun, we've already blew the record for participants out of the water! In 2010 the challenge had 473 participants, sign ups as of January we had 626 participants for 2011! As of right now we have 869 participants! That is incredible!
For those of you that are new to the challenge I will have a post similar to this every month. You will gain an entry into the prize packs for every review link that you submit. The debuts do not have to be released in the corresponding month of the post. That means, you can submit a link for any review title no matter the month of it's release. You don't have to post January releases in the month of January, and so on and so forth.
Here's this months prize pack: (please do note that prize packs are subject to change, anything added after the post date will be highlighted in red!)

Advance Readers Copies:
- Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer
- The Demon Trapper's Daughter by Jana Oliver
- The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
- The Trouble with Half a Moon by Danette Vigilante
- Darkness Becomes her by Kelly Keaton
- Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison
- Possession by Elana Johnson (signed)
- The Lipstick Laws by Amy Holder
- Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard (signed)
- Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton (signed)
- Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris (signed)
- Across the Universe by Beth Revis (signed)
- Dogsled Dreams by Terry Lynn Johnson (signed)
- Memento Nora by Angie Smibert
- Warped by Maurissa Guibord
- Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
- Born at Midnight by C. C. Hunter
- Clarity by Kim Harrington (signed)
- Head Games by Keri Mikulski (signed)
- Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer (signed)
- The Revenant by Sonia Gensler
- Class of 2k11
- The Demon Trapper's Daughter by Jana Oliver
- The Revenant by Sonia Gensler
Other Goodies:
- "lips" temorary tattoo (The Lipstick Laws)
- Possession keychain
- white spaceship pin (Across the Universe)
- blue spaceship pin (Across the Universe)
- cover art pin (Across the Universe)
- The Lipstick Laws pin
- ELF cosmetics lip gloss (The Lipstick Laws)
- adhesive decal (The Demon Trapper's Daughter)
- iron on patch (The Demon Trapper's Daughter)
- Angelfire sticker (signed)
- The Lipstick Laws magnet
- The Lipstick Laws sticker
- The Lipstick Laws card
- Across the universe card
- The Revenant sticky notes
- The Year We Were Famous card
- Star Necklace (Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer)
- Born at Midnight goodie bag
Thank you so much to the following authors for donating to this months prize pack:
Beth Revis
Keri Mikulski
Elana Johnson
Amy Holder
Kirsten Hubbard
Courtney Allison Moulton
Carrie Harris
Terry Lynn Johnson
Angie Smibert
Maurissa Guibord
Ruta Sepetys
C.C. Hunter
Kim Harrington
Sara Bennett Wealer
Jana Oliver
Sonia Gensler
Carole Estby Dagg
The debut author challenge prize packs are only for those that are participating in the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. Make sure that your blog is listed on the participants list otherwise you aren't officially signed up.
Filling out the form to submit your reviews can be confusing... with their being so many non-bloggers participating in the challenge, I've tried to make it as simple as possible and at the same time simple on myself! Please note: You do NOT have to submit your reviews every month. This is only if you are interested in getting extra entries into the prize packs. As a challenge participant, you are automatically entered into the drawing every month.
The form will ask for four things.
- the title of the book
- a direct link to your review
- your blog name
- the country where the title is debuting
Obviously if you are a non-blogger your answers in the form will be modified.
If you are reviewing titles at a book seller site (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Chapters, etc) please link directly to the books page, and not the book seller site. For example if I was reviewing Unearthly by Cynthia Hand at Barnes and Noble, instead of plugging in the link www.barnesandnoble.com, I'd put the link: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Unearthly/Cynthia-Hand/e/9780061996160/?itm=1&USRI=unearthly which would take you directly to Unearthly's page within the B&N site. For "blog name" please put the user name that you used to post your review, if it's not the same name that you used to sign up please submit them both. Example: Kristi/Story Siren.
If you are reviewing titles on YouTube, please link directly to your YouTube page. For "blog name" please put the user name that you used to post your review, if it's not the same name that you used to sign up please submit them both. Example: Kristi/Story Siren.
The are 13 of you that are posting reviews at The 2011 Debut Author Challenge Blog. You do not need to fill out the form. Instead fill out the form to submit your review to be posted. This will automatically give you extra entires.
If you are reviewing titles on Shelfari/LibraryThing. Please post a direct link to your personal account and not the hosts page. For "blog name" please put the user name that you used to post your review, if it's not the same name that you used to sign up please submit them both. Example: Kristi/Story Siren.
For Goodreads users please link directly to your review.
It is simple to get a direct link to a Goodreads review:
1.) Click on the "My Books" link this should take you to the list of your "bookshelves"
2.) Click the "bookshelf" where the book is shelved.
3.) Once the list of books on the shelf is visable (you'll need to be in "table" view), go the left. You will see an "x" "edit" and "view"
4.) Click on view and this will take you to your review!
5.) Copy the URL that is in the address bar and paste it into the form!
6.) TA-DA!
I think I covered everything...
Submit your reviews here!
(the above is a link, click it!)
(Remember: You do NOT have to submit your reviews every month. This is only if you are interested in getting extra entries into the prize packs. As a challenge participant, you are automatically entered into the drawing every month.)
Please Note that it takes a few minutes for the form to update, it does not update automatically. Please double check to make sure the novel you submit is a 2011 debut. If it's not a 2011 debut, your review link will be deleted without notification.
If you have questions please consult the information page or the FAQ page before you email or tweet me! Thanks!