Afterlife by Claudia Gray
Release Date: March 8, 2011
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 368
Source: ARC from Publisher
Interest: Series
Other Titles in the Series: Evernight, Stargazer & Hourglass
Challenge: None
Buy the Book: Amazon
The fourth book in this electrifying vampire series has all the romance, suspense, and page-turning drama that have made Claudia Gray’s Evernight books runaway successes.
Having become what they feared most, Bianca and Lucas face a terrifying new reality. They must return to Evernight Academy, Lucas as a vampire and Bianca as a wraith. But Lucas is haunted by demons, both personal and supernatural. Bianca must help him fight the evil inside him, combat the forces determined to drive them apart—and find the power to claim her destiny at last.
Readers have fallen in love with Bianca and Lucas, and they will be thrilled to read this exciting conclusion to their romantic adventure.
Afterlife was a great ending to this series! As with its predecessors, I didn't see that coming!
I don't want to go into too much since this is the last in the series, you might want to skip over this review, although it's not spoilery, and pick up the first book if you haven't! But I don't want to touch on a few things that make this series so fantastic!
That's one of the great things about the Evernight series, you may think that you have it all figured out, but Gray throws you for a loop every time. You think by the fourth book I would have been expecting it, but I wasn't. And the ending was totally not what I was expecting, but Gray did it so well! It wasn't the sappy, gag-me sickeningly sweet ending where everything ends with a big bow. These characters still have obstacles to face, with that being said Afterlife does wrap up the series rather nicely. (I am SO looking forward to Balthazar's story! Can't get enough of him!)
Bianca and Lucas have both went through transformations, not just physically, but also growth through their characters. I've felt varying emotions about these characters throughout the series, and that's something that will make this series stand out for readers. Although, if you haven't already guessed, Balthazar has always had my love through it all!
I loved the world that Gray created and I'm really going to miss it. It seems that so many of my favorite series are coming to an end.
If you haven't read the Evernight series, do it now! I can't wait to read more from Gray!