photo courtesy of The Compulsive Reader
A few weeks ago I made the trip up to Lansing Michigan to attend my first book launch! It was for Courtney Allison Moulton and her debut novel Angelfire
! The event was held at Schuler Books & Music, it was an awesome bookstore, btw! Will definitely have to be on the lookout for more events there!
I was meeting some fellow bloggers for lunch before the event so I showed up a little early and did some exploring of the bookstore. I'm currently on a book buying ban and was so hard not to buy a dozen books! There were so many that I needed! Schuler had a great YA section! And they also had some swag there, I grabbed a few buttons and bookmarks!
I headed over to Max and Erma's after exploring the bookstore and Tirzah (The Compulsive Readers) and Shanyn (Chick Loves Lit) were there with tables. I had met both of these lovely ladies before, so it was great to see them again! Soon we were joined by a huge group of people:
Table One (the cool kids table): Sarah (The Hiding Spot), Katie (SophistiKatied Reviews), Erica (The Book Cellar), Courtney Allison Moulton, Shanyn (Chick Loves Lit), & Tirzah (The Compulsive Reader).
Table Two (the loser table): Devyn Burton (devynburton.com), Chelsea (Coffee & Cliffhangers/Rae
), Emi, Leah Clifford (A Touch Mortal
), Scott Tracey (Witch Eyes), & Stacey (Page Turners)
After lunch we headed over to the launch. It was a packed house, so must of us ended up standing in the back. Courtney did a q&a and also read from Angelfire
. She is such a brilliant person. I can't imagine how nervous she must of been, but if she was I couldn't tell, she was hilarious and very eloquent! I think the store ended up selling out of copies, around 95 of them! That is incredible! I was so very happy for Courtney!
The signing line was rather long, so we waited for it to die down and mingled with the other folks that were in attendance. There were several other bloggers and authors at the signing as well it was awesome!! (I was very nervous about introducing myself!) I meet bloggers: Alex (Electrifying Reviews), Erika (Moonlight Book Reviews), DJ (DJ's Life in Fiction) and authors Aimee Carter (The Goddess Test
) & Amy Huntley (Everafter
), although I had met Amy before at ALA, it was nice to see her again! The root-beer floats were delicious! And it was just plain fun talking about books in general. I love getting together with other bloggers because it's an instant kinship.
I had a AWESOME time and loved getting to meet everyone and Courtney! This is one of the reasons that I truly love blogging... the people.
More pictures from the event:

hilarious picture of Shanyn and I. Compliments of The Compulsive Reader

Erika from Moonlight Book Reviews

Group Photo!
Emi and her angel wings!
Stacey from Page Turners
Chelsea... sad face... :P
Aimee Carter and Me
Courtney and Me
Scott Tracey and Leah Clifford. They are HILARIOUS! Love them
Alex from Electrifying Reviews