The Story is About   +  young adult

Fury of the Phoenix by Cindy Pon

Fury of the Phoenix by Cindy Pon

Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Greenwillow
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 416
Source: ARC
Interest: Series
Other Titles in the Series: Silver Phoenix
Challenge: None
Buy the Book: Amazon

The Gods have abandoned Ai Ling.

Her mysterious power haunts her day and night, and she leaves home—with just the moon as her guide—overwhelmed by her memories and visions and an unbearable sense of dread. For Ai Ling knows that Chen Yong is vulnerable to corrupt enchantments from the under-world. How can she do nothing when she has the skill and power to fight at his side? A dream has told her where he is, the name of the ship he is traveling on, his destination. So she steals off and stows away on board.

The ocean voyage brings with it brutal danger, haunting revelations, and new friendships, but also the premonition of a very real and terrifying threat. Zhong Ye—the powerful sorcerer whom Ai Ling believed she had vanquished in the Palace of Fragrant Dreams—is trapped in Hell, neither alive nor dead. Can he reach from beyond the grave to reunite with Silver Phoenix and destroy Chen Yong? And destroy whatever chance Ai Ling has at happiness, at love?

In this sequel to the acclaimed novel Silver Phoenix, four lives are woven together and four destinies become one, now and forever.

I absolutely loved Silver Phoenix, so when I heard there was to be a sequel/companion novel, I was ecstatic!

One of the things I loved about Silver Phoenix... and I know this sounds a little strange... but it was the wonderful descriptions of the food! And on page two when I read about sticky rice, candied yams, dumplings and lotus buns, I knew it was going to be epic!

Fury of the Phoenix is such a different story from it's predecessor. It's still just as beautifully written, but we get to witness a whole other side of Ai Ling and Chen Yong. Two characters that I had not realized I desperately missed!

Ai Ling and Chen Yong make yet another journey in Fury of the Phoenix, but there is another story told that we only glimpsed in the first novel. And that is the one of Zhong Ye. I don't want to get into his character too much because it could certainly spoil the story of Silver Phoenix for those that have not read it. But I will say that my emotions toward him were much different this time around. There isn't as much action in book two, but there is still plenty of unexpected discoveries that are sure to keep you plenty intrigued!

I loved how Pon weaved these two stories together it what seemed like an effortless ease. (Though I'm sure it required some work!) I also love the the exploration into the legends and lore! It's much like the first novel in that way, with the various creatures and the mentions of the The Book of the Dead and The Book of the Divine. Simply fascinating.

One of the things that I had wanted after reading Silver Phoenix was to lean the story of her... and did I ever. Such a fantastic series! And so beautifully written.

If you've not read this series, I strongly suggest that you pick it up! You won't be disappointed!