I first introduced you to my little cousin Kaylea in January when she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia. I asked the blogging community for well wishes and prayers, and donations. AND YOU BLEW ME AWAY WITH YOUR GENEROSITY! Your monetary donations alone reached $1200! And that doesn't even include all of you that sent books and goodies to Kaylea. (Kaylea and her sister thought it was Christmas everyday!)
I can't thank you all enough!
Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag approached me about setting up an Auction for Kaylea! (Lauren is also one of the bloggers behind the Leave A Mark Auctions that helps raise money for Leave A Mark & First Book, that provide books for children.)
So here I am asking for your help once again. I know there is always someone in need, especially recently with the earthquakes and tsumia that hit Japan, I completely understand if you don't have anymore to give. Please just keep Kaylea in your thoughts.
We already have a few auction items! I'll be keeping you updated on all the info! Thanks again for all your support! If you want to keep updated on what's happening with Kaylea she does have a facebook page: Kaylea Stewart for her fight against leukemia