Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach
Release Date: March 31, 2011
Publisher: Speak
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 304
Source: ARC from Publisher
Interest: Debut Author
Challenge: 2011 Debut Author Challenge
Buy the Book: Amazon
A haunted castle, a handsome young man dead for four hundred years, one heck of a scary portrait of a witch, and a treasure hunt -- not to mention a princess for a roommate! -- all await 15 year old American girl Caitlyn Monahan when she earns a scholarship to a French boarding school.
There are secrets behind the stone walls of Chateau de la Fortune, buried for centuries along with the mystery of who killed Raphael, the charming ghost who visits Caitlyn at night. But as Caitlyn unearths the history of the castle, nothing scares her as badly as the secret she learns about herself, and the reason she was chosen to come to the Fortune School.
And nothing breaks her heart as badly as falling in love with a dead guy.
Why was I not more aware of this book and it's awesomeness!
Ghosts, romance, an intriguing history and a mystery hundreds of years old... yeah I'm going to say it again. AWESOME.
This novel was totally not what I was expecting. I think perhaps I was anticipating the same old paranormal romance, but that is not what I got at all. And it was a welcome change!
I have to admit that I wasn't gripped by the story initially, I remember thinking that perhaps I should put this story down... mostly because I wasn't a fan of Caitlyn. I don't belong here, nobody understand me... a sob story I've heard one too many times. But then something happens to Caitlyn, and she gets interesting! And the rest is history!
One of the unexpected things was the history in this novel, I know from the authors notes that most of it was based on places she had been or seen, and that a lot of the story was based on legends, so it's not exactly factual, but it was still very fascinating!
The story was beautifully written. Cach's descriptions of Chateau de la Fortune, in the present and past were utterly enchanting! I felt like I was there along with Caitlyn experiencing the beauty along with her. And I can't fail to mention the many unexpected twists that Cach throws at the reader. Did not see a few of those coming at all! And I do love to be surprised.
Wake Unto Me is an unforgettable story layered in mystery, love and history! You'll be at the edge of the abyss, err I mean, the edge of your seat unraveling this gothic tale!