Allison van Diepen
- Steet Pharm
- Snitch
- Raven
- The Oracle of Dating
- The Oracle Rebounds
- The Vampire Stalker
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What if the characters in a vampire novel left their world--and came into yours?
Amy is in love with someone who doesn't exist: Alexander Banks, the dashing hero in a popular series of vampire novels. Then one night, Amy meets a boy who bears an eerie resemblance to Alexander. In fact, he IS Alexander, who has escaped from the pages of the book and is in hot pursuit of a wicked vampire named Vigo. Together, Amy and Alexander set out to track Vigo and learn how and why Alexander crossed over. But when she and Alexander begin to fall for each other, Amy wonders if she even wants him to ever return to the realm of fiction.
Writing…and Falling in Love
by Allison van Diepen
Writing a novel is a lot like falling in love. At the beginning, there are sparks, just like when you meet a new love interest. But is that all it is—a great hook, a fun idea that’ll burn itself out after a few pages like some infatuation? Or is there enough substance for a whole book?
Discovering the Vampire Stalker’s premise was, as Oprah would say, an A-ha moment for me—literally. I’d been procrastinating that day, watching YouTube instead of writing, and stumbled upon the 80s video, Take On Me. It’s a romantic video in which a girl falls in love with a guy in a comic and they’re struggling to be together despite their different worlds. That idea was the spark. But would it catch?
The only way to know was to start writing. Many authors will tell you they’ve had plenty of exciting ideas that burned themselves out quickly. But with The Vampire Stalker, the further along I was, the more it felt right. I got to know the characters—I felt Amy’s heartache, fear, and longing. I felt Alexander’s cold determination, and the awakening of his passion for Amy. Eventually I fell in love with the story. And the cool thing was, my characters fell in love, too.
The Vampire Stalker is OUT TODAY!!!