Today at 4, Schuler's Books in Lansing will host, FOUR awesome authors as part of The Dark Days of Supernatural Tour!
- Josephine Angelini
- Aprilynne Pike
- Ellen Schreiber
- Veronica Roth

If you live nearby you should definetly try to come out! I's going to be a fantastic event! I know I'm going to be there!
If you can't make it... I've got good news! YOU CAN STILL COME! Well, sorta! I'll be doing, with the help of the awesome people at Harper, A LIVESTREAM of the event! Not only will you be able to see and hear the authors, you can also sign into the livestream and ask the authors YOUR questions! Just head to Livestream page around 4 o'clock, eastern time! And you can also buy signed books from the event too!
I hope to see you there!