Basically "Books to Pine For" are books not yet released, that I can't wait to get my hands on (or books I've recently gotten my hands on... but are still pine-worthy)!
If this is your first visit to the blog, I do "Books to Pine For" sporadically, it's a regular feature but it doesn't have a set date I post every month or what not.
You can check out all the books to pine for posts, they start chronologically from the most recent. In case you want to check out some earlier ones I've done. Okay I've rambled enough, on to the goods!
Just a note.. all the links in the titles go to their Goodreads page... easier to add to your wish list!

The Springsweet by Saundra Mitchell
♦April 17, 2012 ♦Harcourt
Why it's pine worthy: SO PRETTY! The Vespertine was awesome, so I'm really looking forward to devouring this one!
Allegiance by Cayla Kluver
♦February 28, 2012 ♦Harlequin Teen
Why it's pine worthy: Another pretty cover with a pretty dress. Lots of that going around these days. I have not read the first one in the series, but I'd like to!

The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova
♦March 15, 2012 ♦Sourcebooks Fire
Why it's pine worthy: Ummm, HELLO! Mermaid!
Wrecked by Anna Davies
♦May 1, 2012 ♦Simon & Schuster
Why it's pine worthy: Does he look like he has scales... like fish scales? I think so!

A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont
♦April 1, 2012 ♦Kensington
Why it's pine worthy: Transporting into the pages of Jane Eyre!?! Enough said.
Irises by Francisco X. Stork
♦January 1, 2012 ♦Arthur A. Levine
Why it's pine worthy: A story of two sisters. Sounds like my kind of read.

When You Open Your Eyes by Celeste Conway
♦March 20, 2012 ♦Simon Pulse
Why it's pine worthy: Forbidden Love...
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth
♦May 8, 2012 ♦Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Why it's pine worthy: Dytopion with a mysterious and beautiful boy... plus unknown powers! Yes please!

Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
♦May 22, 2012 ♦Feiwel & Friends
Why it's pine worthy: Communicating with... fish? HMMMMMMM...
Dragonswood by Janet Lee Carey
♦January 5, 2012 ♦Dial
Why it's pine worthy: this is why: "In this epic romance, an ancient prophecy comes true in a way neither dragon, fairy, nor human would have predicted." AWESOME! Yeah... that says DRAGONS and FAIRY!

This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers
♦June 2012 ♦St. Martin's Griffin
Why it's pine worthy: It's freaggin' COURTNEY SUMMERS... If you haven't read a book by Courtney... you better get on that.
When the Sea is Rising Red by Cat Hellisen
♦February 28, 2012 ♦Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Why it's pine worthy: Faked suicide. Arranged Marriage. Slums. Love. Destroy Family. WOW.

Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey
♦January 17, 2012 ♦Walker Books
Why it's pine worthy: She's done vampires... ghosts and now FAERIES... can't wait!
Undeadly by Michele Vail
♦February 28, 2012 ♦Harlequin Teen
Why it's pine worthy: Don't actually what it's about, but the cover is gorg, and it's an HT book, so it should be good!

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
♦January 3, 2012 ♦Feiwel & Friends
Why it's pine worthy: is this even the cover, I've been seeing a different one?!? CYBORGS people! Freaggin' cyborgs!
In Honor by Jessi Kirby
♦May 8, 2012 ♦Simon & Schuster
Why it's pine worthy: Moonglass was really good, and I can't wait to read more from Kirby! And this one sounds extremely epic.

Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen
♦February 14, 2012 ♦Walker Books
Why it's pine worthy: I've always been a fan of the story of Robin Hood from when I was a child. And this is a spin on the story of Will Scarlet... as a girl! Should be awesome!
Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne
♦February 2, 2012 ♦G.P. Putman's Sons
Why it's pine worthy: Psychological thriller... yummy.

Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson
♦April 10, 2012 ♦Tor
Why it's pine worthy: Did somebody say... WIZARDS!
Spirit's Princess by Esther Friesner
♦April 24, 2012 ♦Random House Books for Young Readers
Why it's pine worthy: I love Friesner's Princess of Myths books and this one sounds even more incredible than the others!

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
♦May 8, 2012 ♦Simon & Schuster
Why it's pine worthy: This one sounds like the ultimate summer read, and I know I'll be craving that after a long cold winter.
The List by Siobhan Vivian
♦April 1, 2012 ♦
Why it's pine worthy: I don't want to be on the list...

Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony & Rodrigo Corral
♦October 13, 2011 ♦Razorbill
Why it's pine worthy: A story told in images and in words... sounds very different.
Thou Shalt Not Road Trip by Antony John
♦April 12, 2012 ♦Dial
Why it's pine worthy: Two words... ROAD TRIP!

Love? Maybe. by Heather Hepler
♦January 5, 2012 ♦Dial
Why it's pine worthy: This one sounds like a cute and fun story about love! I just love, LOVE!
The Other Life by Susanne Winnacker
♦February 1, 2012 ♦Usborne
Why it's pine worthy: Weaponized rabies virus... color me intrigued.

Perception by Kim Harrington
♦March 1, 2012 ♦Point
Why it's pine worthy: CLARE is back! EEEEE!
Freshman Year & other Unnatural Disasters by Meredith Zeitlin
♦March 1, 2012 ♦Putnam
Why it's pine worthy: I'm just hoping Kelsey's freshman year was more of a disaster than my own!