I am so excited to be a part of the tour for The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by the lovely Michelle Hodkin! Add this one to your wishlists! It comes out at the end of the month... the 27th, I believe! And you can check out my review below. My very gushing and fangirly review, because I loved this book. And for those of you that might like to win a copy, a SIGNED copy... here is your chance!
The Mara Madness Scavenger Hunt!
There are 21 blogs that are participating in this tour. You can see all of those 21 blogs and the dates that they are particpating in the tour here - Official The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer Blog Tour Page. What you are looking for in this scavenger hunt is a letter or a character in my case. You'll take these 20 letters and 1 character to compose a line from the book. It's a very important line, but you don't need to have read the book to be able to piece it together! (The answer will be posted at Books Complete Me on October 3!)
Once you've collected all 21 pieces of the puzzle and figured out the line form the book, you'll want to go to the Entry Form page and complete the information. You'll have until September 30 at midnight to get your entry in!
What do you WIN?
TWO Lucky people will win a signed finished copy of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer!
Here's my clue:

Good Luck!