why do i always put my hands like that? argh!
A few weeks ago I was able to attend the final stop of the Smart Chicks Kick It tour. I attended last year too, but this time I had a shorter drive! Score! The event was held at one of my favorite bookstores, Schuler Books and Music. The thing that makes this book store so awesome is the people that work there!
I didn’t leave as early as I wanted to and I got stuck in construction traffic so I missed out on meeting some fellow bookish people for lunch. So sad. Instead I hit up the cafe at the bookstore and had some delicious soup and a sandwich! Plus, I had some leftover sandwich which served to be a great snack on the drive home!
After my stomach was filled with deliciousness I stopped over in the bookstore section of the store and bought way to many books. That tends to happen when I visit a bookstore and Schuler has the BEST YA section I have ever seen anywhere! Though Anderson’s Bookshop is close. Schuler still beats it! It’s HUGE and it has great recommendations and it seems like they have EVERYTHING! I bought several books for the signing and just a few other books that I had to have. I also had a huge bag of books that I brought from home and I’m glad to say that I was not the only one who did so!
Last year at the stop it seemed like I was the only one who brought books! This year everyone did! We had a limited of three books per author, but they were more than happy to let us get back in line. I did! But I’m getting ahead of myself.
After I made my purchases I headed over to the signing area, I was there two hours early but there were already people waiting. I found a seat (in the front row!) and saved a few spots for my bookish friends!
The authors arrived and started out with a Q&A session. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. I couldn’t hold it in. There were mentions of hot monkeys, zombie boyfriends, all the Fuentes brothers at the same time, sexytimes and deserted islands. It was nice to know that I am not the only crazy person out there!
I got to hang out with some of my blogging friends, Sara at The Hiding Spot, Stacy at Page Turners, DJ at DJ’s Life in Fiction & Erika at Moonlight Book Reviews. And I also made a new friend, the awesome Valerie K! Who taught me everything I know about writing. (Don’t believe anything she says about me taking a break from blogging!) Plus the lovely Courtney Allison Moulton (author of Angelfire) and Aimee Carter (author of The Goddess Test) were also in attendance! And I also meet a few other people, so it was a great event just in that aspect alone!
The authors were WONDERFUL!!! This was my first time meeting Rachel Caine (sweetest person ever!), Melissa de la Cruz (just plain awesome!), and Carrie Ryan (absolutely wonderful!). So glad I finally got to meet these talented ladies in real life. And the other authors in attendance were; Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Simone Elkeles. Who I had meet before, but they never fail to impress me! Especially Jennifer, I totally have a girl crush on here. She is just plain FABULOUS! And I was so excited that I had a chance to actually “talk” to her! If you have not read her books, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! I got to see a sneak peak of the upcoming Raised by Wolves book! Not sure if the titles is officially released so I won’t mention that, but the cover is GORGEOUS!! Loved it! And even though she is younger than me, I look up to her and admire her!
We were also privy to some other top secret information like upcoming book titles and ideas, which I don’t think we are allowed to share, but I’m sure it will be made public knowledge soon!
Overall, it was an EPIC event and I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to attend and meet this wonderful authors!