Unforgettable by Loretta Ellsworth
Release Date: September 27, 2011
Publisher: Walker Books for Young Readers
Age Group: Young Adult
Shelfability: Acquire/Borrow
Pages: 256
Format: Advance Reader Copy
Source: Author
Interest: Synopsis
Challenge: None
Baxter Green isn’t like everyone else. While most people would forget about the little details of everyday life, Baxter never forgets—not pain, not hurt, not embarrassment. In fact, Baxter never forgets anything—not even a string of account numbers, flashed before his eyes by his mother’s criminal boyfriend, Dink, for use in a credit card scam. Years after his testimony has locked Dink away, Baxter and his mother are in a new town, trying to forget the danger Dink brought into their lives. Baxter wants to hide his unique ability, but it becomes increasingly more difficult when he reconnects with Hallie, a girl from his childhood who has lived on in his memory long after she has forgotten him. Can Baxter win Hallie’s heart?
Earlier this year I read a novel called Forgotten by Cat Patrick about a girl who can't remember anything. Then I read the summary for Unforgettable and was instantly intrigued. What if you were the exact opposite of the character in Forgotten? What if you remembered everything?
That’s exactly what Baxter does, he remembers everything. Not only remembers certain events, but also experiences the emotions and feelings that happened at the same time. Can you imagine experiencing the pain of loosing someone dear to you repeatedly?
Initially I thought it might be cool to remember everything, but as the story progresses it’s easy to see how it can be a burden as much as it’s a gift. It makes Baxter a little more awkward than usual, but I don’t think you have to have an incredible memory to feel awkward as a teenager.
This story is about a lot more than dealing with Baxter’s condition. It’s about self discovery and first love. It’s about interpreting the life around us and our experiences.
Unforgettable is a great story, with a an age old message and a unique character.