Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson
Fever 1793 is based on the actual yellow fever epidemic that hit Philadelphia and wiped out some five thousand people. One of those people affected by the fever is Mattie Cook. Mattie’s mother and grandfather own a coffeehouse in Philadelphia and that is where Mattie spends most of her days.
She has plans of her own for the coffeehouse someday and often day dreams of what it would be like when she ran the establishment. Mattie’s day dreams are shattered when the epidemic hits.
Mattie’s mother falls ill with yellow fever and Mattie and her grandfather flee the city to take refuge in the country.
As they never make it to their destination, uncontrollable hardships fall on Mattie and her grandfather. When Mattie finally returns to the city she finds it deserted and the coffeehouse ransacked.
Mattie tries to find the courage to manage her life and the coffeehouse after the yellow fever has taken everything away.
This is the third novel by Laurie Halse Anderson that I have had a chance to read. I love her writing style, and I especially loved this historical fiction. I had remembered learning about the yellow fever epidemic, but I never knew the real impact that it had. It was also interesting in learning about the true history that Anderson portrayed in her book. I became immense in Mattie’s daily activities and for the fight of her life. Although Speak is still my favorite novel by Anderson, I highly reccomend Fever 1793.