Beastly by Alex Flinn
Beastly is an updated and contemporary twist on the well-known fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast. Instead of a prince and a castle, we have Kyle Kingsbury and his brownstone in Brooklyn. Kyle is a very good looking high school freshman, and of course he is spoiled rotten and is the biggest JERK alive. Thus, a witch turns him into the true beast that he is. And we all know that the spell can only be broken with true love’s first kiss! But who could learn to love a beast?
One of the things I liked about this book was the internet chat session with Mr. Anderson. There are other fairy tale creatures within the chat room that beast feels he can relate to. Like a mermaid and a prince-turned frog.
If you like the story of Beauty and the Beast, or even if you don’t, this is a very interesting rendition. I would suggest that you give it a chance. It is important to remember that beauty is only skin deep and the real beauty is what lies on the inside, sometimes I know I need to be reminded of that.