Chosen: A House of Night Novel by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Chosen is the third novel in the House of Night Novel series.
Zoey has more on her plate then ever. She is still dealing with the fact that her best friend is dead. Well she is actually undead, she is more or less alive, but just without her soul. She’s is juggling not one, but three boyfriends, and Neferet is still looming in the Shadows.
Zoey feels more alone then ever because she can’t confide in her friends about Stevie Rae. She can’t confide in anyone, except for the last person she thought she would ever trust, Aphrodite. This alone would be enough to stress to last a lifetime, but then Zoey and Aphrodite find a vampyre professor of the House of Night decapitated and staked to a cross. Zoey thinks that her family, or more specially her step-dad may have been involved.
I couldn’t put this book down! Poor Zoey! I wish that she would catch a break. It seems like whatever she does, just doesn’t work out for her at all! I was glad how things ended up with Stevie Rae, but I actually felt bad for Aphrodite, even though she isn’t really the nicest person. I could definitely see the romance writing style of P.C. Cast shining through on this one! Let’s just say there are some lovely intimate scenes, if you will! All I have to say is it's about time her and Erik started making out! :) The boy is too cute not to kiss! I am hoping there will be a another book. The ending definitely left the possibility. I can’t wait to see what happens to Zoey and her friends next!!! The suspense is killing me!
Chosen: A House of Night Novel will be released on March 6, 2008. I was lucky enough to get my hands on an ARC! If there is anyone out there that is a fan of the series and would like to read this book, I am willing to pass along my copy to you. So if you are interested simply leave me a comment. If it so happens that more than one person is interested I will randomly select a person to receive the copy. Please let me know ASAP! Thanks!
Plus if you want to check out more about the series. You can hit P.C.'s Website or you can chek out The House of Night website.