Thirteen by Lauren Myracle
Winnie is finally going to be thirteen and she is pretty excited about it. She has her two bff’s, Cinnamon and Dinah and her bf, Lars.
But being thirteen has a lot more in store for Winnie than she initially thought. She loves her two best friends, although they couldn’t be more different. Winnie still remembers her old best friend Amanda and at times this makes things unsettling for Winnie. Then of course there is Lars. This is Winnie’s first "real" relationship with hand holding and her first kiss! But Lars is only human and he isn’t perfect as much as Winnie would like him to be.
This was a very cute book. I hadn’t read anything by Myracle before, but I enjoyed her look into the early-adolescent psyche. It isn’t easy being thirteen and this books displays the tribulations gracefully, but still makes a point. Even though I think this books is aimed more for the younger adult audience, I still enjoyed reading it, as well as the writing style of Myracle.