The Compound by S.A. Bodeen
Eli has lived in the Compound for six years now. His billionaire/genius father built the Compound as a safe haven for his family in the event of a nuclear war. The old world, the family likes to refer to, no longer exists. And neither do Eli’s twin brother, Eddy, and his grandmother, which is Eli’s fault. After six years the food is depleting rapidly and so is the family’s demeanor. Eli’s father sporadic behavior and secrets are also becoming a concern. Eli begins to discover things that simply don’t add up. The Compound that was built to keep them safe, may be no more than a prison in which the family can’t escape.
Yet another great book for 2008! This book was suspenseful, thrilling and completely captivating! I initially did have some skepticism, I mean how much can one person do when they are stuck underground?? Could it really be that entertaining? But I love it when authors prove me wrong and this is one of those books. The storyline was awesome! I sat down to read it, and I could not put it down. I recommend you grab your own copy of The Compound on April 29th!