The Year My Sister Got Lucky by Aimee Friedman
Katie and Michaela are sisters. They aren’t only sisters, but they are best friends, who share all their secrets. They love living in New York City, and they both love ballet. Things turn upside down when the girls are uprooted from the city life and plopped into the small town of Fir Lake. Katie thinks it is the end of the world and she doesn’t understand why Michaela doesn’t feel the same way. Soon Michaela has a group a friends and even a boyfriend. Katie can’t help but notice the distance that is building between her and her sister. When Katie discovers that Michaela is keeping a huge secret from her, she can’t believe her sister, her best friend, would keep something like that from her.
This was a cute story, but I have to admit that The Year My Sister Got Lucky isn’t going to be one of my favorite books. I liked the focus on the bond between sisters and what it is like moving to a new town, but at times I found myself bored. I felt like there were a lot of things in the plot line that were unnecessary and didn’t really add to the book, like the weird neighbor Emmaline, I understand that she was someone that Katie felt she could confide in but, it didn’t really go anywhere. Also the focus on the girls dancing was a little overbearing, yes I realize they are dancers, but it was too much at times. I understood how Katie felt betrayed and upset toward Michaela, but I didn’t feel sorry for her. She had her mind set on how things were going to be and then she seemed surprised when things happened that way. On a positive note it does show the bond and the importance of having your sister, and that sometimes your sister isn’t your friend, but she will always no matter what be your sister. If you were planning on reading this book because it sounded like something you would like, by all means do read it. I hate to write something negative in my reviews, but remember it is only my opinion! I’ve read other reviews that have enjoyed this book.