Gotcha! I’m it! I’ve been tagged for a meme by The Book Muncher! So I must share six unimportant things about myself. Hopefully unimportant yet interesting but not embarrassing at the same time! So after much thought here are my six things:
1. I cannot leave my house without my cell phone, my ipod and a book. I will turn around no matter what!
2. I still wear my retainers every night. I’ve been out of my braces now for nine years. Now that is what I call dedication. I probably doesn’t hurt that I am an orthodontic technician.
3. I spoil my dog. I can’t help it I love him! He eats only natural treats and food. He has a pair of doggles (sunglass/goggles) so he can hang his head out the window protected. His hair brush was a measly 50 dollars! I’ve been known to by him extravagant toys that he will then rip to shreds 5 min later. Did I mention he is a 150 lbs. rottweiler. (That sleeps in my bed) What can I say?
4. I love to scrapbook. I have a ton of supplies. I even have a cricut! Which is the coolest thing ever. It is a die-cutting machine. I love to scrapbook pages about my dog, who would have guessed that!
5. I don’t eat read meat. I had a baby calf that I raised and bottle feed, only to grow up to be a huge steer. That I had to sell at the 4-h auction. The 4-h auction animals are donated to the slaughter house, so be supplied to food for the needy. But I never wanted to come across a hamburger made from my beloved Elmer. Although I’m sure he has been distributed and consumed already, yuck. You never know.
6. I love flip-flops!! If I could wear them year around I would! They don’t work so well in a foot of snow though. I think I have a million pairs or so!
the rules:
1. you link back to the person who tagged you.
2. post these rules on your blog.
3. share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. tag six random people at the end of your entry.
5. let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Who shall I tag next? I think I'm going to go with... Reader Rabbit, Plenty of Paper, Harmony Book Reviews, Hope's Bookshelf,and Elaina
sorry I only came up with five people instead of six!