City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
Clary is finally coming to terms with her new Shadowhunter status, even though she feels more confused than ever. She still has feelings for Jace and the fact that he is her brother (or is he?) doesn’t seem to damper them at all. Then of course there is Simon. Their relationship has taken on a whole new turn, but it is even more complicated, now that he isn’t human. Valentine is back and once again he is stirring up trouble, this time he has stolen Maellartch, the Soul Sword, yet another mortal instrument now in his possession. Jace is taking the blunt of Valentines misdeeds when the Inquisitor of the Clave blames and accuses him of being a spy for Valentine. Is Jace really helping Valentine, even Clary isn’t sure. To complicate matters even worse Downworlder children are being murdered and there are demons on the loose. Valentine is bringing a war to the Clave, but the realization may come to late.
City of Ashes is the sequel to City of Bones. I think this is my favorite of the two so far! I was in a constant whirlwind while I read! I have to admit the whole Jace and Clary incestuous tones would have totally grossed me out otherwise, but you just have this feeling throughout the book, that everything there isn’t what it seems. There was so much action in the book, plus some of my favorites from City of Bones were back, Magnus Bane and new characters which I hope to see more of, Maia. If you haven’t read City of Ashes yet, I suggest you so. Cassandra Clare’s world of fantasy once again lures you in and doesn’t let go! I can't wait to read more!