Congrats to Melissa N. for winning the copy of Prom by Laurie Halse Anderson. Please send your info to me at e-mail. You have 72 hours to contact me or another winner will be drawn!! And thanks again to Keri for an AWESOME guest blog! Screwball in stores NOW!
Don’t forget about the monthly contest I have going on here at The Story! Tera Lynn Childs will be stopping by tomorrow! That will be your first chance to sign up! For more information click here!
I also wanted to let you know about some other cool contests going on around the blogosphere!
Keri Mikulski, yes the same that stopped by last week, is having her own contest for June! Stop by her blog for more info!
Claudia Gray is having a contest for the recently released Evernight! Very cool prizes!! Stop by her blog for more info! BTW, Evernight is an awesome book! Go out and get is ASAP!
Tasha over at And Another Book Read is giving away a copy of Francey by Martin Dubow.
Steph aka Reviewer X is giving away a copy of How Not to Be Popular by Jennifer Ziegler.
The Book Vault and The Book~ Adorer are giving away a couple copies of The Elite by Jennifer Banash. Which I have to say is a really awesome book!
Chelsea at The Page Flipper is also having a huge contest to celebrate the Grand Opening of her website!!!
Book Chic is also having a cool contest! This one is on MySpace, so for all of you that don't have an account, sorry! I think you have to be their myspace friend too.
So go sign up to win some books! I know I will be!