Hi all!! I am back from the happiest place on earth! I had a wonderful time and I am exhausted needless to say. We were up early everyday and wend to bed late every night! But it was totally worth it!
I had over 100 emails in my inbox! WOW! I’m working on emailing everyone back as we speak, well as I’m writing this, well in between writing this... anyway! The big contest announcement will be coming soon!!! I think since I am giving away so many books this contest is going to be a little different, stay tuned for more information! I finished Miss Educated amidst the plane rides, so you can expect a review for that tomorrow! I’m still checking out everyone’s blogs!! You’ve been busy while I’ve been gone!
That’s it for now, hope you are enjoying the new Guest Reviewers feature! Kathryn Williams will be stopping by with a guest post for Thursday, don’t forget to stop by and leave a comment on her post for the monthly contest!
Have a great weekend! TTFN!!