I am Ambeen, better known as The Ravenous Reader. I am an avid reader, spending most spare moments reading. I also never go anywhere without a book. I created a blog last year in order to share my love and opinion of the books I'm reading. It's been a lot of fun and a great hobby to add to my love of reading.

The Pact of the Wolves by Nina Blazon (translated by Sue Innes):
I have been really into the whole private boarding school setting with a secret society housed in its walls. I love the Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray and especially loved the secret society part of The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart. As a result, I was expecting a lot out of this novel which is set at a top school and is the headquarters of a secret society. Luckily, this novel delivers in the secret society capacity--more about that in a minute.
I found the beginning, even with a death in the first chapter, to be slow. I was uninterested until I hit about page 55. This is when the secret society aspect of the novel kicked into high gear. I was eager to continue and fully interested after this point.
What I meant above about the novel delivering in the secret society aspect is that it is what carries the novel. Maybe it's because I am extremely interested in secret societies, but it's what kept me intrigued. I think if the novel would have been more murder mystery and less secret society, I wouldn't have been as interested.
I also would like to point out that the characters did not really do much for me. Jan was the only character I really felt connected with, and he was not the main character. I felt like I understood him while the rest were just props for the secret society plot.
That said, I am still giving the novel four stars because I really enjoyed the secret society aspect and that was what drove me to the end. I would suggest picking this one up from the library unless you also have an invested interest in secret societies.
4 stars!
The Ravenous Reader
Thanks Ravenous Reader for a great review!
Check back next week for another guest reviewer! Would you like to review a book and be a guest? Email me at thestorysiren@hotmail.com for more information.