Hi all!! Summer is finally here! And to celebrate my sister’s graduation, I am going on a girls trip to Walt Disney World!!! I’ll be leaving late tonight, early Monday morning!
Yes, you heard right! The Story is going on vacation! I am super excited!! But don’t worry the blog will continue to run! Regina Scott will be stopping by as planned on the 12th, with a very cool blog post! (Blogger willing of course. I have it schedules for the 12 and I've been using the pre-schedule feature for a while and it seems to work, fingers crossed) Don’t forget to leave a comment on her post to be entered in the Monthly Contest!
There also seems to be some confusion about the Monthly Contest, so let me clear that up! All you have to do is enter, is leave a comment on the Author Tales guest post that happens every Thursday. And no, it isn't just limited to Thursday. You can leave a comment any day of the week and if you forget one week you can go back to the week before and enter. The only deadline is the end of the month, so make sure you have all your comments in by then! Any more questions? Email me!
And I’ll also be having another guest reviewer stop by on the 14th. Let me know what you think about that feature. Yay or Nah? Also let me know if you would like to be a guest reviewer!
Unfortunately, there won’t be any reviews posted while I’m gone. Sorry! But hopefully while I am relaxing by the pool in between visiting the parks, I’ll be working on my reading.
If you send me an email, in the meantime, and I don’t get back to you right away, you’ll know why! I doubt I will be online at all while I’m gone, truthfully I need a vacation from my computer as well!
A HUGE announcement will follow: http://thestorysiren.blogspot.com/ is no longer!!! No, I am not leaving the blogger world! You can now find The Story at http://www.storysiren.com/ Yay, I have my own domain!! There may possibly be some changes going on... I'm not 100% sure about that at this time though.
The Story also recently hit the 20,000 hits mark!! I am stunned to say the least! I never really expected my blog to have any visits, let alone 20,000! To show my thanks, I am planning on have a contest of course! Possibly a prize pack of books. Check back later for official details!
Hope everyone has a great week! You know you’ll miss me!