Off Campus: An Upper Class Novel by Hobson Brown, Taylor Materne & Caroline Says
Release Date: April 2008
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, HarperTeen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 267
Nikki is ready to head back to Wellington, but she has one more trip to make before she heads to school. She is off to California to see Seth and is hoping to smooth over the rough spots in their relationship. One thing leads to another and the kids decide to go for it. They are going to try a long distance relationship, exclusively. Nikki’s escapade in California also introduces her to the newest student body coming to Wellington, Delia Breton.
Delia and Nikki hit if off and the girls become best friends. Delia becomes part of the group and she even starts dating Greg. Then there is Gabriel, who was often overlooked, but lost his baby fat over the summer and is now the cutest boy on campus, Seth who?
These two girls are too hot to handle! Rumors start flying around about Delia and why she really left California. And we all know where rumors lead, straight into drama!
I have to say that Off Campus redeemed the series for me. I was really disappointed after reading Miss Educated, but I can officially say I am back on board. I actually can’t wait to read the next one. I read the sneak peak at the end for Crash Test, big mistake! I’ll be highly anticipating its release! Off Campus was unlike the first two books. The characters finally felt real to me. That of course may be because this is the third book, but even in the second book I found it hard to really differentiate the characters. Now they all have their own distinct voices. Delia's was a fresh voice among the existing cast. I really got her character. I can’t say that I exactly related to her, but I could totally understand the why and how of who she was. Plot wise, this is definitely the most captivating of the three. I had to know what was going to happen, rather than just wanting to know. I was completely engrossed in the story and the characters. I would absolutely recommend Off Campus. If you haven’t read any of this series, be forewarned that there are mentions of drugs, sex, and alcohol, but the depictions aren’t graphic.