Wow! Thank you so very much to BookRoomReviews, Love to Read, Pop Culture for nominating my blog! I'm absolutely blown away!
Never in my life have I felt truly accepted in such a short time! I have to say that the book blogging community is one of the best to belong to. I've met so many nice people, who are always there to encourage and support me! I'm having so much fun doing this! And I love visiting everyone else's blogs!
Again thank you so much for thinking of me, it is an honor to be nominated!
Here are the guidelines: Once an award is received, the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Here are some of my favorite blogs:
The Page Flipper. Where do I even start. Chelsea has been a big support to me since I started my blog. My blog definitely wouldn't be where it is today if I hadn't had her help. She also recently came out of retirement to start reviewing again and I'm so very happy to have her back!
And Another Book Read. Tasha has great reviews! She reads like crazy too! The girl is super smart, she totally blows me away! I don't know how she does it all.
Word for Teens. Nicole, another superstar reviewer. I love checking out her blog and finding books I'd never think to pick up and read. And I seriously think she has read everything!
The Book Muncher. Rachael, this girl is also a reading fool! And she has this crazy contest pile, it is insane! That takes some dedication!
Reviewer X. Steph, what can I say, the girl is on FIRE! She showed up and blew up the scene! I love her reviews, she cracks me up! She's real, she's cool, she's Steph.
Reader Rabbit. These Bunnies Rule. They have a variety of genres, their reviews are great and they are sisters.
Last but certainly not least. Hope's Bookshelf. Hope, such a nice girl and her blog has it all. She is even starting her own YouTube channel, how cool is that!