Hi! My names Ally and I dont have a blog. Sadness. I just cant seem to find the time, but I am not here to talk about myself (I'm 14 years old, going into High School, have dirty blond hair...), I am here to talk about a book that I read called
The Year my Life Went Down The Loo, by Katie Maxwell and I have to say, that these books made me laugh so much people thought I was CrAzY! Yes, the title is a mouthfull but when a book is this good you can make the title as long as you want!

When Emily's father, Brother decides that the whole fam has to move to England and live in a creepy old house that is haunted by a pervy Underware Ghost, go to a private school that wont let you wear make-up and be made fun of by a horse--er, I mean her teacher Emily gets a little peeved. But it is all water under the bridge when she finds three extreemly nummy boys who befriend her and rock her year! But thank god she has Dru for support because who else does she have to talk to around here about the boys and all the drama she gets into? Now if only she could get rid of that Underware Ghost...
The year My Life Went Down The Loo is one of my favorite books because , when your a Drama Queen like me its fun to read about someone like Emily because she takes a completly normal-ish situation and turnes it upside down so that she can benifit. She is a strong female charter who can stand on her own with the big boys though. All in all a great read that I would recomend to anyone with a sence of humor!
This is the last Be My Guest Reviewer post! *tear* I wanted to thank everyone who participated! I really enjoyed seeing every one's distinct styles and I hope that you enjoyed writing the reviews! Thanks! Scratch that! I still have one more guest reviewer post for next Saturday!! YAY! But that will be the end... *tear* But thanks to Ally for the wonderful review and stay tuned for the last Be My Guest Reviewer post next Saturday!