Here we go again. It's the second edition of the Weekly Odyssey!! Below you will find various links and topics from around the booking world! The are a lot of exciting contest you might want to sign up for! And there are also some bloggers and authors mentioned! Most of the review links are for books that I haven't reviewed yet or probably won't get around to reviewing anytime soon! Author in the Spotlight is pretty explanatory! Is there anything you would like to see in The Weekly Odyssey! Let me know!
Week of August 11-17, 2008
Here is a compiled list of some of the contest I've come across! Please be sure to check the official guidelines and deadlines!

Bookroomreview's Weblog is giving away a copy of The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong!
Melissa Walker is having a freaggin awesome contest on her blog! She is giving away bags of goodies! Although the contents of the goodies bags are to be revealed periodically throughout her blog! So you'll have to keep tabs on this one!
Liv is still having her huge contest! You can get more info by visiting her blog, Liv's Book Reviews! She's giving away three prize packs of books as well as some other goodies!!
Tera Lynn Childs is having a slew of awesome contests to celebrate the Olympics!! For more information on the many prize pack head over to her blog!
Book lover reviews is giving away a signed copy of Violet in Private!! Love the books, love the series!

Bookluver-Carol is having a contest for Outside Beauty by Cynthia Kadohata, Puppy Love by Nancy Krulik, and Kiss My Book by Jamie Michaels!
Jennifer Banash is looking for The Elite cast! If you know the perfect actors to play the characters, head over to her Myspace blog and you can win a copy of The Elite and a CD of music inspired by the novel!
I have some contests going on here at The Story. For more information you can click on the following links: Monthly Contest, House of Dance Contest, or you can check out the sidebar under contest!!

Author Musings
There were a few author that week that have commented about the Olympics! Ally Carter, Melissa Walker, Jessica Burkhart and Keri Mikulski

Claudia Gray is still looking for interview questions for Bianca. One of the main characters in her new vampire series Evernight! I think this sounds like a fun idea! I always have questions I want to ask characters.
Aprilynne Pike is excited about finishing her revision to the sequel of her 2009 debut novel Wings! I know I can't wait to read them both!
Josie Bloss shares her adventures while vacationing in Michigan! Beware of killer BEARS.
Megan Frazer is obsessed with the MTV reality TV show The Paper. I might just have to tune into this one for myself! Has anyone else watched this one? Is it any good?

Megan Kelley Hall loves Bloggers! No, she really does! She shares some of her readers appreciation for her debut novel Sisters in Misery on her blog! And The Story totally got a shout out! YAY!
Debbie Reed Fischer has a very funny post over on her blog! And don't forget about her new book Swimming with Sharks!! I know I can't wait to read this one! If you haven't already you should pick up Debbie's debut novel Braless in Wonderland!

Heather Brewer shared the new cover of Tenth Grade Bleeds!! It looks awesome! Don't you think! Oh Vlad! You are so cute!
Holly Black shows off her Vampire Hunting Kit she is making for a friend! Very cool and slightly disturbing at the same time! Ebay, hmmm.
Over at MTV Books author Jennifer Echols shares how much she appreciates having her critique partners!
Kimberly Pauley, author of Sucks to be Me, announced the dates for her Official Online Book Launch Party!! It is going to be from Aug. 26-Sept. 10! She is having a ton of authors stopping by! Lauren Myracle, Cynthia Leitich-Smith, Marlene Perez, Tanya Lee Stone, Lauren Mechling, Alan Gratz, Alyson Noel, Cecil Castelluci, Kristin Tubb, Tiffany Trent, Lara M. Zeises/Lola Douglas, Elenora Sabin, Debra Garfinkle, Dan Ehrenhaft, Kathy Erskine, and Niki Burnham. I'll be posting more information when it gets closer to Aug 26!
Author in the Spotlight

Rachel Vincent is an urban fantasy author. You may recognize Rachel's name from her novels Stray and Rogue. She also has another novel Pride coming out in Feb. 2009. But Rachel recently sold a series of Young Adult urban fantasies about a teenage banshee! The first two novels are called My Soul to Take and My Soul to Save! They are due to be released in fall of 2009! http://rachelvincent.com/
Blogger Blurbs
Liv from Liv's Book Reviews reviewed Fix by Leslie Margolis. Plastic surgery anyone?
Nicole at Word for Teens read The Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce! I really need to read some of her work! I know she has quite a few series', does anyone have a suggestion of where I should start?
Do you like author guest posts? You should check out From the Corner of Megan's Mind and her author guest post with Jennifer Ziegler!

Chelsea over at The Page Flipper got her hands on a copy of Identical by Ellen Hopkins. Another author I've heard nothing but wonderful things about, that I have yet to read! My sister, Laci, loves her books.
Tasha at And Another Book Read reviewed The Midnight Twins by Jacquelyn Mitchard. And unlike me she actually posted a slew of other review too! So you should check those out when you stop by too.
You can check out what Steph thought of Teach Me by R.A. Nelson, by hitting up Reviewer X.
Lenore at Presenting Lenore, has an interview with Courtney, a Publicist from Penguin! As a reviewer I found this interview very informative!

The Book Muncher recently consumed The Brothers Torres!
There are a couple new kids on the block that you should check out! Bean Bag Books, That Teen Can Blog and Book Nymph! Stop over, say hi, welcome them to the book blogging world!
My Reviews
I reviewed a whopping one book this week! You can check out my review of Why I Let My Hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood, here.
These cool people stopped by The Story and commented on a review or post! I just wanted to thank you personally for stopping by!
Hope, Jordan, Cat, Shooting Stars Mag, Wannabewriter, The Book Chic, Ambeen, Meredith, Chelsea, Breanna, Liv, YA Book Realm, Kelsey, Carol, Margay, Book~Adorer, Anidori-isilee, Bunny B, Lenore, Melsey626, Betsy, Sassymonkey, Gabrielle, Tetewa, Kayla, Alessandra, Alea, Julie P., Dominique, Carmen T, Mrsronweasley, Liviania, Amanda, Vanessa, Beth Kephart, Chicklit Teens, Booklover, Robin_titan, Tasses, Teen Troves, The Readers' Sanctuary, Diana Dang, Carolsue, Jennifer Banash, Kimmyl, The Compulsive Reader, Tasha, Diana, Khyrinthia, Erin, Rachel, BloggingBooksGalore, The Book Muncher, Chelsie and R.J. Anderson
If you are an author or reviewer and would like to be mentioned on the Weekly Odyssey please email me!
In other news...

Okay, so in case you haven't heard the Harry Potter movie has been moved from it original release date of November all the way to July! What are they thinking! But to lessen the sting the Twilight movie has been moved up from Dec. 12 to November 21! Yay!
I was blog reading yesterday and I made my way to Reviewer X's blog which I frequently visit and low and behold she posted YA Weekly and I realized I totally pilfered her idea, although in my defenese I initially got the idea from Cynsations. Gah! Unintended of course... I mean I knew I had seen something like The Weekly Odyssey somewhere... but yeah, and I even love her YA Weekly segments! So now I feel kinda stupid, embarassed, opprobrious... yeah any of those would work. My "weekly" collection does have slightly different content than hers. Should I even keep doing The Weekly Odyssey? I know everyone gets ideas from everyone else, but still. Upon further reflection, I have decided that I'm going to keep the Weekly Odyssey, mostly for the fact that I like doing it! I'm trying to work in other elements to keep it different and fun! If you have any suggestions though, be sure to let me know!
If you have a blog roll on your site and you have me on it, please let me know so I can add you to mine!! I found a couple when I was blog reading that had me but I didn't have them!