Laci and I attended the Breaking Dawn Midnight release party at the Borders Bookstore in Fort Wayne. We showed up about 45 minutes early and got our numbers in line. We were 59 and 60. Had we known that you could come early and pick up your numbers we would have, since we showed up in Fort Wayne around 6 to do some shopping! AARGH! Anyway our numbers weren't too bad! Thank goodness I pre-ordered our books or we would have been at the end of the line!

Before we went over to Borders we stopped by Barnes and Noble to check out there party! It looked pretty cool! They had balloons everywhere and they were setting up a scavenger hunt. They were also having a Bella contest, they had six contests that had signed up earlier and sent in pictures... very neat idea. They were all enthused about telling us stuff until they asked us if we wanted to order books and Laci told them we had them pre-ordered at Borders! HA! I don't have anything against B&N, they have really good selection, but they don't have a free rewards program like Borders, so that is one of the reasons that I get most of my books from there or Sorry but I'm cheap.

Anyway, the Party at Borders was pretty packed. I believe there was over 300 some people there to get there books!! I was happy to receive my "I was bitten by Breaking Dawn Button" and I had one of the few Team Jacob stickers in the midst of all the Team Edwards. There was a Twilight Trivia contest, The Edward and Jacob debate, character look-alike contest and the t-shirt contest. They were giving away t-shirts and the fist place in line. Almost everyone took the t-shirt. I have to admit I probably would have done the same! While Laci and I didn't participate in the activities we did enjoy watching for the most part. I was just anxious to get my book!!
Midnight finally rolled around and they called us up in groups of 25, it didn't matter what our number was as long as we were in that group we could be anywhere in line! We were very very close to the front. We had our books and were out of the store at 12:15. I dropped Laci off at home at about 12:45 and I was home before one! I stayed up reading my book until 3am! I had a funeral and a b-day party out of town the next day so I got about four hours of sleep before I had to get up, but it was worth it!