Here is my new weekly feature. The Weekly Odyssey! Basically I've compiled various links in the book world. I've been known to sporadically post about contests, so now I'll be using this feature for that! I've also mentioned some authors and reviewers! Most of the review links are for books that I haven't reviewed yet or probably won't get around to reviewing anytime soon! Author in the Spotlight is pretty explanatory! I might possibly add some other topics later on as the idea progresses! Hopefully you like it. If it goes over well, it will become a permanent feature like Author Tales. Let me know what you think!
Week of August 4-10 2008
Here are some contests that I've stumbled upon this week. Do you have a contest going on or will that will be soon. Email me and I'll add your contest to the Weekly Odyssey!

Head over to Hope's Bookshelf or Read Read Read and win a signed copy of Violet in Private by Melissa Walker! Which is an awesome book and series for that matter!
The Page Flipper is starting weekly contests!! Yay! I think she is giving away some bookmarks this week... wonder what is in store for next week.
Author Kelly Para is holding a contest. For more information head over to her blog.
Tera Lynn Childs is having a huge contest! Lots of prizes!
Liv from Liv's Book Reviews is having a contest too! She has some awesome prizes so be sure to head over there! Three winners will be chosen too!
Book Chic is having a couple contests!
Cat from Beyond Books is also having a contest for Far World Book 1: Water Keep by J. Scott Savage. I just discovered Cat's blog after she emailed me... hello Google Reader! Very cool!

Author Musings
Elizabeth Scott is having problems with her head.
Jessica Burkhart showed off a cool new bag celebrating her upcoming 2009 release Take the Reins.
Cassandra Clare shared some Victorian reads that were suggested to her. I might have to check out a few for myself.
Magan Frazer reveals her love of the reality television show The Paper! I've never seen it, but after this I might just have to check it out. I really need to get a tivo or a dvr.
For fans of the House of Night Series by mother/daughter team P.C. & Kristin Cast there is now jewelry available inspired by the series! Ohhh... pretty!
Regina Scott and Marissa Doyle have a blog called Nineteen Teen, which I frequent regularly. Regina posted an interesting post about Bustles! If you are an historical fiction fan you should definitely check them out!
Blogger Blurbs
Kyle from Book Review Maniac reviewed The Big Game of Everything.
The Book Muncher was snacking on Total Knockout: Tales of an Ex-Class President. The author, Taylor Morris will be stopping by The Story next month! Very excited for that!

Liv's Book Reviews reviewed Ten Cents A Dance. I haven't read this one, but it sounds fantastic!
The Ravenous Reader had a visit from author Beth Kephart. Beth is such a nice lady! I might even be having a contest for House of Dance...??
Book~Adorer Forever reviewed 100 Cupboards.
Teen Book Review reviewed I Love You, Beth Cooper.
B is for Books reviewed Pretty Is.

Kelsey from Reading Keeps You Sane reviewed Saving Zoe. I really need to read Alyson Noel! Have you seen the cover for her new book Evermore... WOW!
And Another Book Read reviewed Miss Spitfire.
Author in the Spotlight:

Nora Raleigh Baskin grew up in Brooklyn and New Paltz, New York. She now lives in Connecticut with her husband and her tow sons.
Nora has written many books including The Truth About My Bat Mitzvah, In the Company of Crazies, Basketball (or something like it), Almost Home, and What Every Girl (except me) Knows. She is making her Young Adult debut with the novel All We Know About Love which will be available August 26, 2008. You can visit her website at http://www.norabaskin.com/
Visitors this week!
These cool people stopped by The Story and commented on a review or post! I just wanted to thank you personally for stopping by!
Book Review Maniac, Chic Lit Teens, the Dizzys, Bookluver-Carol, bishiesruleme, Shooting Stars Mag, YA Book Realm, Melissa Walker, Private Teens School, Liviania, tetewa, The Book Muncher, Meredith, ambeen, Book Chic, Jessica Brody, Melsy626, Book~Adorer and paperxxflowers
If you are an author or reviewer and would like to be mentioned on the Weekly Odyssey please email me!
In other news...
I am now an Amazon Associate. So, if you by your books on Amazon, perhaps you wouldn't mind buying them here! I will also be putting a link where you can buy the books in my reviews now. It doesn't cost extra to buy them here, and all the proceeds will go towards shipping for the contest/giveaway books and buying books for contests and giveaways! Thanks!