Jocelyn of Teen Book Review chose to recognize my blog with an award of blog love! Teen Book Review was one of the first YA book blogs that I discovered and read, so Jocelyn has always been high on my favorites list and regularly visit her blog, because it's fantastic in all aspects!
This award is meant to be shared and passed along, the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
And so below you will find my nominations. This is very hard for me to only choose seven blogs (eight really, because I would include Jocelyn), because I hate to leave anyone out. And I just want to make a disclaimer that just because you don't see your blog up here doesn't mean that I don't love it! I absolutely love the YA blogging community! Everyone has been more than great to me and I just want you all to know that I appreciate your support and friendship.
The Chick Manifesto. Ran by the incredible duo of Taren and Amee. (Amee formerly known as The Ravenous Reader.) This blog is fairly new, but I love it! This is one of the blogs I actually get online to check out, because I can't wait to see what they post about next!
Pop Culture Junkie. Another blog high up on my favorites list. Not only does Alea do the book review thing, but she has posts about movies, television, music! I love it!
Em's Bookshelf. A fellow book blogger, Em and I have similar reading tastes so I always enjoy her perspective. And like Teen Book Review, Em's was one of the first YA book blog's that I discovered, which in turn of course inspired my own book blog.
The Page Flipper. Can I really have an award nomination list and not include Chelsea. She's like the mother of every book blogger! And I mean that in reference to guidance! I know she helped me out when I first started out and I won't forget it.
Bookroomreview's Weblog. I'm a big fan of this blog! I love the variety of books that are reviewed! Adult lit, Ya, they got it! And there are always a ton of contests!
Book Chic. How with his insane schedule and book reading chaos, does James have time to frequent not only my blog but many others I will never know. Plus I always really look forward to his comments, because he usually says something that will make me smile!