Shift by Charlotte Agell
Release Date: September 30, 2008
Publisher: Henry Holt
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 240
This book is insanely hard to summarize! I’m going to do my best and hopefully you will get the jist of it.
Adrian Havoc lives in a world much like our own. Actually it is our world, or could possibly be our world sometime in the future. Somewhere, somehow something went wrong and now half of the country is toxic due to the fallout. The government controls every aspect of society. You do what they say, when they say, no matter what. You believe in God, period, under no circumstance do you question religion. The northern part of The United Christian States is full of unbelievers and crazies from the blast. And if that isn’t bad enough the end of the world is coming soon, the Shift will be here any day.
Okay so seriously this book kinda scared the shit out of me, but in a good way. Perhaps not so much the book itself, but what the book implies. Because if anything, it is totally possible if not probable that this could happen. It’s definitely one of those thought provoking novels. I think I would have like to seen more detail in the overall storyline. In terms of reality, how likely is it that a teenage boy could break into a government establishment and not be detected and detained. Not very likely. I think that’s really my only complaint about the novel, the climax was mediocre , I think it could have been much more, but even so, the actual climax was interesting. In terms of religion I didn’t think this book was at all anti-religion, but simply expresses disdain of anti-establishment. Overall, a very interesting read.
I have an extra ARC of Shift if anyone is interested in reading it themselves, drop me a comment . Let’s say you have a week from today to express your interest. If there is more than one person I’ll randomly choose one someone.