Ya Connection
Week of September 6-12
The YA Connection is a collaborative column collected by Kristi (The Story) and Steph (Reviewer X). In it can be found links from around the YA blogosphere, including, but not limited to, contests links, author blog links, review links, and miscellaneous news pertaining to the age group. Also, Kristi and Steph hold weekly contests accompanying the column, as well as a book and author spotlight.
If you're a blogger, author or publicist looking to have your links added, please email me. Any book donations for giveaways are also greatly appreciated. Please note that the spotlights are not up to suggestion, but rather decided by both Kristi and Steph.
Don't forget to head over to Steph's blog, Reviewer X, for the winner of last week's contest!!
Here is a compiled list of some of the contest We've come across! Please be sure to check the official guidelines and deadlines!
Jennifer Banash (The Elite) is giving away three copies of her novel The Elite!

Melissa Walker (Violet In Private) is having a Win-It Wednesday!

Claudia Gray (Evernight) is giving away an autographed copy of Immortal, a vampire anthology by various authors. Richelle Mead, Rachel Caine and Claudia herself, just to name a few.
Micol Ostow (Popular Vote) is having a cyber release party, lost of guest authors, lots of prizes!!!
Heather Brewer (The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd) is having a very awesome Vlad inspired contest. Check out her website for offical entry rules and contest details!

Author Musings
*Kristi compiled the Author Musings list this week.

Alexa Young (Frenemies) posted about her new-found obsession with 90210! I must admit that I was a huge 90210 fan too, and I had a wall in my bedroom plastered with posters of the characters. I didn't have a chance to watch the new show though... :P
Visit Author2Author! It's hosted by 5 authors at varies stages in the writing careers. Lisa Schroeder (I Heart You, You Haunt Me), Kristina Springer, Deena Lipomi, Emily Marshall, and Kate Fall.
The Class of 2k8 blog, which is a group of debut authors for 2008, celebrated debut author Nancy Viau (Samantha Hanson Has Rocks in Her Head) this week.

Holly Black (Ironside) is going to be out and about in New York on Sept. 14 and 17. Check her blog for all the details. Wish I could go.
Libba Bray (The Sweet Far Thing)blogged about working on her third go-around of her new novel Going Bovine! Can't wait to read that one! She also wants to know what her readers would like her to blog about!

Megan McCafferty (Fourth Comings) has Myspace and Facebook! Well she did, for like 15 minutes. And she also posted a excerpt from Perfect Fifths.
Melissa Walker (Violet in Private) raves about author Beth Kephart!
Melissa Marr (Ink Exchange) takes a break from blogging about work and blogs about her life. I have to say that I think I enjoyed learning more about her in this post that I do about most of her work posts! Melissa seems like a very cool lady!
Carrie Ryan (Forest of Hands and Teeth) reminds her readers that it is election season and if you are old enough to register to vote you should!

Terri Clark (Sleepless) posted an excerpt of Sleepless!
Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Tattoo) discusses thoughts on YA. Mentioning a statement made in a review by Stephen King that labeling a novel young adult is an oxymoron. She goes on to mention articles that state YA novels, aren't "real" novels. It is a very interesting post, you should check it out!
Cassandra Clare (City of Ashes) posted the City of Glass chapter titles!

Stehanie Hale (Twisted Sisters)posted her excitement for Halloween, the movie Because I Said So (which I love and own) and two new television shows based on books over at Books, Boys, Buzz hosted by: Donna Sarkar-Mishra (How To Salsa in a Sari), Heather Davis (Never Cry Werewolf), Marley Gibson (Sorority 101), Simone Elkeles (Leaving Paradise), Stephanie Hale (Twisted Sisters), Tina Ferraro (How To Hook a Hottie) and Tera Lynn Childs (Oh. My. Gods.).
Brooke Talor (Undone) has a very interesting/funny/ironic post about the truth about celeb authors!!
Check out Jessica Burkhart's (Take the Reins) website for her new series, Canterwood Crest!!
On Teen Fiction Cafe, Amanda Ashby (You Had Me at Halo) shares 5 zombie books coming out this spring!! Teen Fiction Cafe is hosted by Amanda Ashby (You Had Me at Halo), Lauren Baratz-Logsted (Secrets of My Suburban Life), Teri Brown (Read My Lips), Jessica Burkhart (Take the Reins), Liza Conrad (High School Bites), Linda Gerber (Death by Latte), Sara Hantz (The Second Virginity of Suzy Green), Stephanie Kuehnert (I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone), Alyson Noel (Cruel Summer), Kelly Para (Graffiti Girl), Wendy Toliver (Secret Life of a Teenage Siren), Melissa Walker (Violet in Private), and Sara Zarr (Sweethearts).

The Novel Girls is new blog I've discovered. It is hosted by a group of authors, Tracy Madison (A Taste of Magic), Mareen Lipinski (Was It Planned), Lisa Patton (Whistlin Dixie in a Nor'easter), Jillian Cantor (The September Sisters), Lesley Livingston (Wonderous Strange), and Carolyn McTighe (How to Ruin Your Live and Other Lessons from the Fourth Grade). This week they blogged about friendship
Elizabeth Scott (Living Dead Girl) joined GoodReads!!
John Green (Paper Towns) sounds off on the Lauren Conrad conspiracy!
Author in the Spotlight

Jennifer Banash attended high school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and currently divides her time between Paris and the Midwest—where she lives with her Beagle, Sigmund, and her vast designer shoe collection. She is the co-founder and co-publisher of Impetus Press, an independent publishing house that champions serious literary fiction with a pop edge.
Jennifer's first novel Hollywoodland: An American Fairy Tale, is published by Impetus Press. She is currently writing a young adult series for Penguin, Berkley, and working on a novel about the court of Versailles under the reign of Louis XIV. Her first young adult novel The Elite was released on June 3, 2008! You can expect the second novel in the series In Too Deep, January 2009!
Blogger Blurbs
* Steph, despite humongous computer/email malfunctions was able to compile this uh-mazing list!
The Ravenous Reader is no more. Amee moved over to a new blog, The Chick Manifesto, alongside her friend Taren to tell it like it is on "what it's like to be a chick in the post-feminist movement era". For the entrée? From Taren, a review of the (in)famous Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews: "And [this], lawmakers, is how to successfully combat teenage pregnancy. Pass out copies of this book to all middle school girls and that’ll get the job done. ... It’s actually a really good book -cheesy and trashy, but in the best possible way."
From Amee, a review of Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery: "My copy’s binding is broken in several places and the cover is ripped and taped in the places where the rips are deep. I love the rips and creases. For me, they say the book was loved."

Lenore of Presenting Lenore reviewed Anatomy of a Boyfriend by Daria Snadowskyis is a very honest look at the giddy highs and heart breaking lows of a first relationship. But it doesn’t need to be thrown out a window – it’s actually a great book for discussion about teen sexuality, how far is too far, respecting yourself, and making the right choices. I think it’s a topic that needs to be discussed openly and honestly instead of secretly and shamefully."
Liv of Liv's Book Reviews did a Bits N Pieces segment with Daria Snadowsky.

Chelsea of The Page Flipper reviewed The Emerald Tablet by PJ Hoover: "The Emerald Tablet was an enjoyable read, and I loved journeying along with Benjamin and his friends on their adventure. The ending promises a sequel and I, for one, can't wait to get to it."
Khyrinthia of The Frenetic Reader reviewed Are We There Yet? by David Levithan: Are We There Yet? is another winner for David Levithan. I love him. (Whoo fangirling.)"

Brina of YA New York reviewed Skinned by Robin Wasserman: "[T]he book is all emotion. It’s all about feelings of exclusion, of powerlessness, of rebellion. It’s all about grief and loss. And it is beautifully written."
Rachael of The Book Muncher reviewed Into the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst: "Into the Wild was definitely one of the best and most unique books I have read recently, and one that I most recommend, especially for fans of fairytales or just fast and fun stories."
Dominique of The Book Vault also reviewed Into the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst: "Into the Wild was a very fun and action-packed adventure that made for a very enjoyable read that I would recommend to all fantasy lovers!"

Becky of Becky's Book Reviews reviewed The Ghost's Child by Sonya Hartnett: "It's a sweet story, but a bittersweet one. Our narrator, Maddy (Matilda), has long known that you can't always get what you want in life. [...] Her narrative increases in power with each chapter."
Carol of Bookluver Carol reviewed Poison Ink by Christopher Golden: "Poison Ink was a great horror book. You find yourself cringing and widening your eyes at times while reading the story."
Kyle of Book Review Maniac reviewed The Last Strand by J.B.B. Winner: "This book was absolutely wonderful! I don't like sci-fi books that much but I really enjoyed this one. It was full of fighting scences with furtristic weapons and technology, which is one of the many reasons why I got hooked on this amazingly written novel."

Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane reviewed Harmless by Diana Reinhardt: "I think the best part of the novel was how it ended. I thought it was a perfect ending to a pretty good novel."
Nicole of WORD for Teens reviewed The Angel Experiment by James Patterson: "I've heard a lot of good things about this series and the first book definitely lived up to my expectations. I wasn't able to put it down and I saw really into the plot line and the characters in it."
Emily of emilyreads reviewed Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls: The New Girl by Meg Cabot:
"Allie, meet bully.Bully, meet Allie. Now go learn big life lessons." (She reviews in haikus -- pretty cool, eh?)

Reading Rants! reviewed Getting the Girl by Susan Juby: "Don’t miss this sweet little sleeper, which will be sneaking its way into a library or bookstore near you October 2008."
Hope of Hope's Bookshelf interviewed Diana Rodriguez Wallach, author of recently released Amor and Summer Secrets.
Gabbi of All Five Stars reviewed School's Out - Forever by James Patterson: "All in all, School’s Out does not disappoint and may even pull new readers not yet under bossy Max’s spell - or strong n’ silent hottie Fang’s - into the whirlpool that is Maximum Ride."
Harmony of Harmony Book Reviews announces her September Author of the Month: Terri Clark.

TheBookWorm of Au Courant reviewed So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld: "So Yesterday was really unrealistic, weird, different, not my usual book choose, unique, clever, one-of-a-kind, and truthfully an okay book."
Gayle of The YA YA YAs reviewed a CD, Narrow Stairs by Death Cab for Cutie: " I guess what I like most about Narrow Stairs is that it’s not something I’m accustomed to listening to yet, yet I find myself humming."

Trisha of The YA YA YAs reviewed Bliss by Lauren Myracle: "What makes Bliss work so well is the overall package. It’s not just Lauren Myracle’s writing and the stunner of a climax, it’s also the design of the book (assuming it remains the same as the ARC I read). Each chapter is preceded by two-page spreads, either black pages with quotes in gray and white text or excerpts, sometimes longer than two pages, from the journal of the disturbed S.L.L., on lined pages and complete with blood spatters."
Chelsie of Read, Read, Read reviewed Peaches and The Secret of Peaches by Jody Lynn Anderson: "This is probably the only series I can think of where I liked the second book better than the first."

Tasha of And Another Book Read reviewed Geek Abroad by Piper Banks: "It’s rare that you find a sequel better than the first book, but I think in this case GEEK ABROAD definitely outdid its predecessor, GEEK HIGH. The characters were more developed, it felt like there was more going on in the story, and overall I thought it was a better book."
Rowan of Booked-Books reviewed A Powder Box of Secrets by Carrie Silver-Stock: "Every teenage girl will find this book relevant. What's amazing with this book is that every topic can be dealt with by just using the seven secrets introduced at the beginning of the book."
Cat of Beyond Books reviewed I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You by Ally Carter: There isn’t really a huge, dramatic plot twist or anything in this book. It’s just cute and funny and an entertaining read.
Livinia of In Bed With Books reviewed All About Vee by C Leigh Purtill: "Something different is what C. Leigh Purtill delivered. In the first chapter, she smacked down my prejudices. Veronica wasn't self-conscious about her weight. Oh, she knows she's 217 pounds. She also knows it doesn't matter onstage. Onstage she's a star. She's got arrogance and pride because she's talented, hard-working, and a budding star."
Steph & Kristi's Book Pick of the Week

The Hunger Games by Suzanna Collins
Katniss is a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem, the remains of what used be the United States. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games." The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed. When her sister is chosen by lottery, Katniss steps up to go in her place.
Our Reviews
Steph reviewed ... nothing. Yeah. About that...
Kristi reviewed: Death by Latte by Linda Gerber, Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception by Maggie Stiefvater, and Fringe Benefits by Valerie Frankel.
These cool people stopped by The Story and commented on a review or post! I just wanted to thank you personally for stopping by!
WannabeWriter, slayground, Book Spot, Sarah MacLean, Book Chic, Reader Rabbit, Valeria, teenreadersgather, ReadRaveReview, hersheyschocolaterocks, Joy, The Book Muncher, Yan, C. Leigh Purtill, Kristy, Hope, Sherry, Amee, Liv, HylianVampire, Natalie, Ladytink_534, Tonight_She_Shines, Adayla S., mari, Carrie Ryan, Stefanluver7, softindierocker, Brooke, Liviania, Meredith, teenswhoread, Callista, Paradox, Kelsey, Kelly, Alea, Jessica Secret, Dominique, Ink Mage, Bunny B, knichole, pepsivanilla, Jillian Cantor, Chick Lit Teens, Diana Dang, Shooting Stars Mag, Khyrinthia, Tasmin, Book Chic, Just Blinded Book Reviews, Melsy626, and Not So Closet Geeks!!
In other news...
Teenswhoread have started a book club. They are looking for memebers if you are interested!
Book Blogger Appreciation Week starts Monday Sept. 15 and goes through Friday Sept. 19. Stop by My Friend Amy for more information!
I'm guest blogging today over at Harmony Book Reviews! My post is advice on book blogging!