Secrets of My Hollywood Life: On Location by Jen Calonita
Release Date: March 2008
Publisher: Little Brown
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 256
Other titles in the series: Secrets of My Hollywood Life
The summary below is from the back of the book.
Hollywood Secret Number One:
When it comes to celebrity dating, many stars talk about the benefits of dating a fellow actor. Between you and me, that “celeb-only” dating speech is week-old baloney. The truth is, It’s tough to date a fellow actor. There’s too much competition over who’s the bigger start and too much stress over spending the next six months apart when you ship off to shoot in a movie in Bangladesh and he is on location in the West Indies.
The real reason why actors do often date other actors? We’ve got nobody else to date! Stars spend time with other stars (and reality show hanger-ons). A famous actress is unlikely to find her next relationship while pumping gas at the local Mobil. That is, unless... you spend a few months pretending to be someone you’re not. That’s how I met a real guy like Austin. Now I just hope he can handle living under a microscope.
Secrets of My Hollywood Life: On Location is yet another light and fun chick-lit read. Much like the first novel, we revisit the glamours life of Kaitlin Burke and of course someone is out to make her career bomb! The Hollywood secrets continue to be one of my favorite aspects of the book. I think that I would have enjoyed the book more had the plot not reminded me so much of the first book. I’d like to see Kaitlin deal with real issues, besides those revolving around someone sabotaging her career. However, I did enjoy the second installment and am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.